Choosing different colomaps for scatterplots

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We currently had a discussion about colormaps and think it would be useful if one could choose between different colormaps for the scatterplots than 'jet', like the current matplotlib default 'viridis'. Maybe it is feasible if the user puts the name of the colormap in a textbox and can look up in the matplotlib docs about the possibilities. This shouldn't take too much effort to implement.

Thanks. As matplotlib currently isn't a dependency of ShapeOut, we will need a workaround.

It looks like there are several colormaps already implemented in chaco. Also viridis, which is the one I am mostly interested in :)

Oh, I was not aware that viridis is in chaco. Unfortunately, it is not in chaco 4.5.0 (with which ShapeOut is built). I already added a combo box for choosing the colormap. Let me see what I can do to include viridis (either via backporting or via upgrading chaco).

The "viridis" colormap will be available in ShapeOut 0.9.3. To test it, you may download the development version here: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/paulmueller/shapeout/builds/24697981/job/as3smyr6dhe0x3jn/artifacts

Thank you!