
Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


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The Flight Platform

The VID-Flight-Platform project contains PCB design files, MCU code, mechanical assembly drawings, onboard ROS workspace for communication and data collection.


Run the Rosbag with the time-sync tool

git clone https://github.com/ZJU-FAST-Lab/VID-Dataset.git
cd VID-Dataset
source devel/setup.bash
./tools/convertbag.sh [path of the ROS bag]

ROS topic

Description Raw topic Aligned topic
1 Realsense D435 depth image /camera/depth/image_rect_raw /synced/depth
2 Realsense D435 left gray image /camera/infra1/image_rect_raw /synced/infra1
3 Realsense D435 right gray image /camera/infra2/image_rect_raw /synced/infra2
4 IMU data with hardware timestamp /djiros/imu_hwts /synced/imu
5 PPS from N3 flight controller /djiros/pulse
6 N3's 1Hz pulse detected by MCU2 /m100withm3508/cap_n3pps
7 D435 camera's 60Hz pulse detected by MCU2 /m100withm3508/cap_camerapulse
8 Target rotor speed of 4 motors /m100withm3508/target_rpm /synced/target_rpm
9 Target current of 4 motors /m100withm3508/ctrl_current /synced/ctrl_current
10 Measured speed and current of motor 1 /m100withm3508/m3508_m1 /synced/m3508_m1
11 Measured speed and current of motor 2 /m100withm3508/m3508_m2 /synced/m3508_m2
12 Measured speed and current of motor 3 /m100withm3508/m3508_m3 /synced/m3508_m3
13 Measured speed and current of motor 4 /m100withm3508/m3508_m4 /synced/m3508_m4
14 Measured speed of 4 motors /synced/allrpm
15 GPS from N3 flight controller /djiros/gps
16 RTK /rtk_zhd_parser/GPS
17 Ground truth from motion capture system /vicon/m100/m100


The download link in the table is unavailable due to the expiration of the web disk. Please use the link below to download the data set

Download link: Download Link A Download Link B


Download link Environment Feature Trajectory Weight
RTK Ground
File name
1 Download Outdoor Fast, with yaw Rectangle 3547.2 113.21 outdoor_rect_fast_3547.2g_113.21s.bag
2 Download Outdoor Slow, with yaw Rectangle 3547.2 175.38 outdoor_rect_slow_3547.2g_175.38s.bag
3 Download Outdoor with yaw Round 3541.7 147.34 outdoor_round_yaw_3541.7g_147.34s.bag
4 Download Outdoor without yaw Round 3541.7 105.85 outdoor_round_noyaw_3541.7g_105.85s.bag
5 Download Outdoor with yaw 8-character 3541.7 184.29 outdoor_8_yaw_3541.7g_184.29s.bag
6 Download Outdoor without yaw 8-character 3541.4 243.73 outdoor_8_noyaw_3541.4g_243.73s.bag
7 Download Night Fast, with yaw Rectangle 3460.0 133.58 night_rect_fast_3460.0g_133.58.bag
8 Download Night Slow, with yaw Rectangle 3541.6 179.48 night_rect_slow_3541.6g_179.48s.bag
9 Download Night without yaw Round 3541.6 82.07 night_round_no_yaw_3541.6g_82.07s.bag
10 Download Night without yaw 8-character 3547.7 121.87 night_8_noyaw_3547.7g_121.87s.bag
11 Download Indoor Loadless Hovor 3096.1 79.04 indoor_loadless_hovor_3096.1g_79.04s.bag
12 Download Indoor Loadless Round 3096.1 117.89 indoor_loadless_round_3096.1g_117.89s.bag
13 Download Indoor Loadless 8-character 3096.1 109.17 indoor_loadless_8_3096.1g_109.17s.bag
14 Download Indoor Loaded Hovor 3372.2 80.11 indoor_loaded_hovor_3103.2g_load269.0g_80.11s.bag
15 Download Indoor Loaded Round 3372.2 107.15 indoor_loaded_round_3103.2g_load269.0g_107.15s.bag
16 Download Indoor Loaded 8-character 3372.2 138.41 indoor_loaded_8_3103.2g_load269.0g_138.41s.bag
17 Download Indoor Rope pulled Random 3101.5 126.53 indoor_sensor_fast_3101.5g_126.53s.bag
18 Download Indoor Rope pulled Random 3101.5 155.38 indoor_sensor_slow_3101.5g_155.38s.bag
19 Download Motor test 45.04 channel_1.bag
20 Download Motor test 45.08 channel_2.bag
21 Download Motor test 43.00 channel_3.bag
22 Download Motor test 43.84 channel_4.bag