
Khepera IV model for V-REP


Khepera IV model for V-REP The Khepera-IV model attached,it can by opened on V-REP:

First you open the Directory where localized the program on the C:\Programs Files\V-REP3\V-REP_PRO_EDU\models\robots\mobile

Second paste de "Khepera-IV.ttm" in the Directory

Lastly open the program and select "Model Browser" --> robots\mobile

You are ready for used the K4 robot en V-REP

Include now the library to the K4Robot and example to use with scenes.

Autors: Emmanuel Peralta H, Ernesto Fabregas A, Gonzalo Farias C, Sebastian Dormido C. Collaborators: Enrique Torres, Hector Vargas O.