This repository contains the source code for Action Priors for Large Action Spaces in Robotics. Our implementation uses PyTorch for neural nets and PyBullet for robotic simulation. See helping_hands_rl_envs (also included in ap/helping_hands_rl_envs) for our PyBullet environments.
Set up a Python 3.6 virtual environment.
python3 -m venv $env_path
source ${env_path}/bin/activate
Installed required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install pytorch and torchvision. I used torch==1.5.1 and torchvision==0.6.1 but you should make sure that the version of pytorch you are using matches your CUDA and cuDNN versions. Fruits World models might be trainable on a CPU, but if you want to replicate our block stacking experiments you will need to use a GPU.
We use sacred with MongoDB backend to store the results of our experiments. You can either set up MongoDB or run our scripts without it. If you decide on the latter our scripts will print the results in the terminal, but you will not be able to generate aggregated results (e.g. running action priors and DQNs ten times and comparing their mean rewards).
Install MongoDB: general guide (Ubuntu-specific guide).
Start MongoDB (you should run this inside of a screen so that the DB keeps running when you exit command line).
mkdir -p data/mongo_db
cd data/mongo_db
mongod --dbpath .
Create a database.
mongo # connect mongodb client
use experiments # use experiments DB
db.test.insert({test: "test"}) # add a single entry in order to create DB
Open ap/ and change the last two lines from
DB_NAME = None
MONGO_URI = "mongodb://localhost"
DB_NAME = "experiments"
There are versions of the experiment: picking up fruits in any order (ap/envs/ and picking up fruits in a specific order (ap/envs/ We instantiate 30 tasks in the former and 20 in the latter. You can find lists of tasks in ap/cfg/tasks.
Train an expert DQN for each task individually:
python -m
python -m
Collection and join datasets (used to train action priors):
python -m
python -m
python -m
python -m
Train action priors. We will get as many action prior networks as there are tasks. For example, data/fruits_seq_AAF_cv/ is an action prior that was trained on all tasks except for the 5th one. In our leave-one-out experiment, we train an action prior (or Actor-Mimic) on N-1 tasks, and then use it to learn a previously unseen Nth task.
python -m
python -m
Train Actor-Mimic students (baseline). Same logic as above.
python -m
python -m
Perform transfer learning with action priors. The transfer script will repeat each experiment ten times. You can edit them if you want less runs.
python -m
python -m
Get results for baselines:
python -m # no transfer DQN
python -m # various actor-mimic alternatives
python -m
python -m
python -m # no transfer DQN
python -m # various actor-mimic alternatives
python -m
python -m
Recreate Figure 2. This script will first show a figure for fruits combinations and then fruits sequences.
python -m ap.scr.analyze.fruits_figure
Recreate Table 3 in the appendix.
- fruits_DQN_AAF: action priors transfer
- fruits_DQN_baselines: no transfer
- other: actor-mimic transfer, see description in the paper
Num. fruits refer to the difficulty of the task. Mid/fin point/window refer to the performance in the middle or at the end of training. Mid window is averaged over a small window of training steps.
python -m ap.scr.analyze.fruits_comb_table
python -m ap.scr.analyze.fruits_seq_table
Scripts for running simulated block stacking in pybullet can be found in ap/sh/blocks. Each script has at least two arguments:
- --gpu-list: list of GPUs to use (e.g. --gpu-list 0 1)
- --jobs-per-gpu: number of jobs to run on each GPU (e.g. --jobs-per-gpu 2)
These arguments control the parallelization over the 16 different tasks we have. For example
python -m --gpu-list 0 1 --jobs-per-gpu 2
will train 16 different SDQfD agents (one for each task). It will train two agents in parallel on the first GPU and two agents in parallel on the second GPU resulting in four agents being trained at the same time.
To generate the results in our paper, we used a machine with four NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti GPUs, 256 GB of RAM and an AMD Rizen Threadripper CPU. Each experiment took about two days when we ran two agents on each GPU (i.e. eight agents trained in parallel). SDQfD training takes about one day, and collecting deconstruction episodes takes a couple of hours.
You can reduce the training time by training on fewer tasks. Simply delete some tasks from ap/cfg/tasks/block_stacking.json.
Collect deconstruction episodes. It's around 50 GB of data for 16 tasks.
python -m
Train SDQfD experts on each task:
python -m
Collect training data for action priors using experts. While running, these scripts might need up to 200 GB of storage for intermediate files (we are storing a bunch of uncompressed images and binary maps). However, the final dataset size is going to be much smaller.
python -m
python -m
python -m
Train action priors:
python -m
Perform transfer learning with action priors and baselines:
python -m # action prior exploration
python -m # heuristic exploration
python -m # random exploration
Print final per-task performance for action priors exploration (blocks_DQN_AAF), heuristic exploration (blocks_DQN_HS) and random exploration (blocks_DQN_RS).
python -m ap.scr.analyze.blocks_table
- Ondrej Biza and Dian Wang: action priors.
- Colin Kohler, Dian Wang and Ondrej Biza: pybullet simulated block stacking (ap/helping_hands_rl_envs).
title={Action Priors for Large Action Spaces in Robotics},
author={Ondrej Biza and Dian Wang and Robert Platt and Jan-Willem van de Meent and Lawson L. S. Wong},
year = {2021},
publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
address = {Richland, SC},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems},
location = {Online},
series = {AAMAS '21}