
Sets up your very own VPN server with my configs

Primary LanguageShell


Sets up your very own VPN server with my configs


  • Debian 11.x


  • Can change some of the variables in the beginning (keep all but devs if you're unsure):
    • pihole_skip_os_check - set to true to skip the OS check during pihole install. Required for armbian and probably some other SBC distros
    • devs - name for each wireguard client/device conf you want to make
    • ipaddr/6 - the actual ipv4 and ipv6 addresses
      • What they're set to is fine for a default install - but not if you have internal ips set (such as digitalocean)
      • Run hostname -I to see your ip addresses. ipv4 is the first one in all cases I've seen, ip6 is often last and that's how I have them set. Change if needed:
        • Change the number (or 'NF') in the 'print' part of the variable to the number that the address is (for example, change to 4 if it's the 4th entry listed). Note that 'NF' means last entry
    • intip/intip6 - ipv4/6 internal address you want to use for wireguard
    • sshport - ssh port
    • wgport - wireguard port
    • dnsport - dnscrypt-proxy port (optional)
  • Can change dnscrypt-proxy.toml how you want, don't change listen_addresses
    • I recommend you change the servers and anonymized relays to the fastest for your location
    • Alternatively, comment out 'server_names' and replace the anon routes with: { server_name='*', via=['anon-relay-1', 'anon-relay-2'] } setting the anon relays to whichever you like (closest to your location would be most optimal)


  • Changes ssh port number for security reasons
  • Locks down firewall with ufw to only allow relevant connections
  • Installs fail2ban and sets up a couple rules for security
  • Wireguard - vpn tunnel
  • Pi-hole - ad blocker
  • DNSCrypt-proxy - caches, encrypts, and annoymizes dns requests

Super Simplified and Probably Partly Incorrect How it Works

  • Device connects to server via wireguard tunnel -> Pi-Hole filters out ads/crap -> DNSCrypt encrypts, authenticates, and annonymizes dns requests being sent out of the server and back

Why not Unbound + Dnscrypt-Proxy?

  • DNSSEC/Security: dnscrypt-proxy enforces dnssec/encrypts dns requests and is what communicates with the outside world. Unbound also enforces DNSSEC but since it forwards requests to dnscrypt-proxy, what unbound does here doesn't really matter (dnscrypt-proxy enforces DNSSEC too btw)
  • Privacy: thanks to anonymous relays, dnscrypt-proxy hides your IP so all outgoing dns requests aren't traced back to you. Once again, unbound doesn't really help here and has no equivalent function at the time of me writing this
  • Bascially, the addition of anonymized relays negates the need for unbound
  • See @jedisct1 comment for my reasoning behind unbound/dnscrypt-proxy setup for security/privacy

When should I use PersistentKeepAlive?

  • Based on my limited understanding, only use it for a server and/or client if it's behind a NAT firewall. I was having issues with the wireguard android app and found it to be related to having this enabled when it wasn't necessary

How can I share my LAN from a client with the rest of my network?

  • This guide summarizes it nicely
  • Essentially, add the lan subnet to the client's AllowedIPs section in the SERVER conf
    • So if you lan address on client A is 192.168.1.x, you would add to the AllowedIPs section in client A's config file
    • Note that this is NOT done on the client conf but on the SERVER conf
  • However, if the client does not have kill switch capability (such as android), you'll get a dns leak through this client so it's best to specify the specific IPs that you want allowed rather than the whole LAN.
    • For example, instead of whole lan:, specify exact devices:,
    • The specific device in your lan that would case the dns leak would be your routers IP such as so essentially don't list that and you'll be fine
  • Special note for windows users
    • Windows does weird routing stuff so you will also need to add the lan subnet to the window's PC's AllowedIPs section too even if you have the all ip entry like is default

How to Install

  • ssh into your server as root
  • apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install git -y && reboot
  • git clone https://github.com/Zackptg5/Wireguard-Pi-Hole-DNSCrypt-VPN-Server
  • cd Wireguard-Pi-Hole-DNSCrypt-VPN-Server
  • Edit VPS_Setup.bash variables as described above
  • chmod +x VPS_Setup.bash
  • bash VPS_Setup.bash
    • Follow script instructions
  • Setup your lists in pi-hole
  • Change servers and anon relays in dnscrypt-proxy toml based on your region/preferences


  • You may need to force specify the unstable branch for wireguard. For example: apt install -t unstable dnscrypt-proxy

To Add More Wireguard Peers After Initial Setup

  • ssh into your server as root
  • Edit the user configurable variables in the Wireguard_After script
  • chmod +x Wireguard_After.bash
  • bash Wireguard_After.bash

Further SSH Configuration

  • You can (and should) switch to using a key rather than a password. To do this, you will need to run this from your computer (not your server!)
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
    ssh-copy-id root@$ipaddr -p $sshport #The variables here are taken from the VPS_Setup Script
  • Then on your server you just set up:
    sed -ri -e 's/^#PasswordAuthentication .*|^PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/' -e 's/^#UsePAM .*|^UsePAM yes/UsePAM no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    echo "AuthenticationMethods publickey" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    service sshd restart
  • Note that this is all with openssh. If you wish to use putty, you'll need to convert the key with puttygen or winscp
  • See more tips for security here

What if I have other webservices installed on port 80?

  • You can change pihole port by adding this to /etc/lighttpd/external.conf: server.port := 8000 where 8000 is the port number you want it to be

Other Notes

  • If not using pihole for DHCP, you can remove the labeled ufw firewall rules
  • To see used ports: lsof -i -P -n
  • A QR Code for each profile will be outputted during setup. You can take a picture of it with the device you want to use from the wireguard app
  • dnscrypt config (dnscrypt-proxy.toml) is set to use only dnscrypt servers with dnssec, no logging or filtering, and then annonymizes them. See here for more details. Note that I was able to wildcard it because the anon relays either didn't have a corresponding public server at the time of writing this or do filtering of some kind and so their servers aren't used (such as cryptostorm). This was a big plus for me because dnscrypt automatically sorts and picks the one with the lowest latency. Feel free to enable DOH or customize these however you want. DOH will require some extra setup though
  • I have ipv6 enabled

Sources I Found Helpful Setting This All Up