Stanford biochemistry graduate student working on RNA in the Fire Lab - mostly focusing on strange RNA elements and viruses
Pinned Repositories
A fast multi-core implementation of HDBSCAN for low dimensional Euclidean spaces
simple python script that takes Bracken outputs and merges them into one OTU table, user can specify if a subset of outputs need to be summed together prior to appending to the OTU table
a parent repo for tools written by I.N.Z during their tenure at the Fire Lab
A simple python script that counts k-mer matches between reference database and query .fasta files, optionally returning all non-matching query sequences. Designed originally for sequencing adapter decontamination.
a simple python script for "grafting" on novel sequences to a custom Kraken2 database
a simple python script that takes in a FASTA formatted MSA and, given a set of 'reference' sequences, deletes any sequences that contribute to insertions given a fractional abundance
a trivial python script that doubles input FASTA formatted sequences end on - helps deal with bisection due to circular permutation
a simple bash script based on bioawk that checks if two .fastx files have exactly matching sequences in the same positions - used to check if fastp made a duplication error
Viroid Nominator (VNom): reference free tool for nominating viroid-like de novo assembled contigs
Zheludev's Repositories
Viroid Nominator (VNom): reference free tool for nominating viroid-like de novo assembled contigs
a simple python script for "grafting" on novel sequences to a custom Kraken2 database
simple python script that takes Bracken outputs and merges them into one OTU table, user can specify if a subset of outputs need to be summed together prior to appending to the OTU table
a parent repo for tools written by I.N.Z during their tenure at the Fire Lab
A simple python script that counts k-mer matches between reference database and query .fasta files, optionally returning all non-matching query sequences. Designed originally for sequencing adapter decontamination.
a simple python script that takes in a FASTA formatted MSA and, given a set of 'reference' sequences, deletes any sequences that contribute to insertions given a fractional abundance
a trivial python script that doubles input FASTA formatted sequences end on - helps deal with bisection due to circular permutation
a simple bash script based on bioawk that checks if two .fastx files have exactly matching sequences in the same positions - used to check if fastp made a duplication error