
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

CloudChaser iOS


Object Detection + Localization through Deep Learning + ARkit.

App switch from two modes: Local - running inceptionv3 object detection locally on iphone 10 Cloud - running Yolov3 object Detection on a Paperspace cluster remotely.

Local mode is confined to only recognize a most possible object in the frame without localization.

Cloud mode gives the app the power to track multiple objects in real time.

Github link: https://github.com/ZhengyiLuo/CloudCh... This app needs a server python script to run the Cloud modes. App still in development.

Referenced from apps: https://github.com/hanleyweng/CoreML-... Handling 3D Interaction and UI Controls in Augmented Reality | Apple Developer Documentation GitHub - twittemb/StreamIt: This iOS app streams your camera so you can watch it in a simple web browser (MJPEG stream)