
Call the urban road path planning provided by AutoNavi Map API, and display it through RVIZ.

Primary LanguageC++


Provide path planning from Gaode or Baidu Map API.

1. Build

$ cd path_api_display
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

2. Demo

$ roslaunch get_path demo.launch

This project can output the route points given the start point and destination point.

In Rviz, you can set the start point by pressing 2D Pose Estimate(whose shortcut is p) and set the destination point by pressing 2D Nav Goal(whose shortcut is g).

video: Youtube link, Bilibili link

3. Reference

  1. rviz_satellite, which is a rviz plugin that displays the map in rviz according to the tile map URL.(use 1e7b2a7 commit)
  2. coordTransform_py, which is a tool provides the transformation between gcj02, bd09 and wgs84.

4. Attention

In order to facilitate your testing for this repository, I used the API key I applied on the official website. If you want to use this project, please apply for the API yourself.