
Matlab files with demo code intended as a companion to the book "Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control" by J. Nathan Kutz and Steven L. Brunton http://www.databookuw.com/

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Data Driven Book Cover

MATLAB demo code intended as a companion to the book:

Data Driven Science & Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control
by S. L. Brunton and J. N. Kutz
Cambridge Textbook, 2019
Copyright 2019, All Rights Reserved

Please cite this book when using this code/data.

MATLAB code library by J. N. Kutz and S. L. Brunton.

This code makes use of data files not packaged in the repository. These may be downloaded here: http://databookuw.com/DATA.zip (unzip into same directory)

Python versions of these demos are available at https://github.com/dynamicslab/databook_python

Links to useful Github codes:

Chapter 1

— rSVD (N. Ben Erichson): https://github.com/erichson/rSVD

Chapter 3

— SSPOR (Krithika Manohar): https://github.com/kmanohar/SSPOR_pub

Chapter 7

— PDE-FIND (Sam Rudy): https://github.com/snagcliffs/PDE-FIND

— DeepKoopman (Bethany Lusch): https://github.com/BethanyL/DeepKoopman

— KRONIC (Eurika Kaiser): https://github.com/eurika-kaiser/KRONIC

Chapter 10

— SINDY-MPC (Eurika Kaiser): https://github.com/eurika-kaiser/SINDY-MPC

— MLC (Thomas Duriez, Bernd Noack): http://berndnoack.com/MachineLearningControl.php

Other codes that we found useful, but have not included in our repository because of copyright:

cvx: http://cvxr.com/cvx/download/

mp3readwrite: https://labrosa.ee.columbia.edu/matlab/mp3read.html