Self-triggered Controller

Software Requirement

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Matlab 2018a

  • Mac OS 13

  • Matlab 2018a

Files Explanation

simulation.m contains main simulation codes for running both self-triggered control example or periodic control example

QPcontroller.m formulates CLF-CBF QP for at a given update instance, the problem is solved by Matlab's

clf_plot.m plots the value of CLF constraint for each given state and control input

stateTraj_plot.m plots state and control trajectories with respect to time

rBound.m calculates r(t) that bounds system's trajecotry given an initial time t_k=0

sys_dynamics.m contains the dynamics of double-integrator system


Open simulation.m and run the first block to define problem structure. Next, run either second block (self-triggered control) or third block (periodic control). The simulation results are saved in matfile_storage directory as mat files.

To get the state trajectory plots, run stateTraj_plot(problem,conMode) in Command Window with flag conMode=1 for self-triggered control or conMode=2 for periodic control.

To get CLF constraint value plots for a given holding period (either fixed period or dynamic period), run clf_plot, with the same flag conMode setting as shown above.
