- 0
Carbon's Framelayout setCornerRadius() making it invisible on API level below 29
#442 opened by abdulhafeez176 - 4
implemented using reflection
#441 opened by shaikhaquib - 1
Set corner radius programmatically
#438 opened by HosseinArabbeigi - 3
Views with corner didn't show up in some devices
#435 opened by devabir93 - 1
not working properly in andirod version 12
#434 opened by sumitjain1 - 2
- 1
have we need to add any depedency??
#437 opened by ZieIony - 0
- 1
This feature is implemented using reflection. If you see this exception, something in your setup is not standard.
#433 opened by M4yankChoudhary - 1
This feature is implemented using reflection.
#436 opened by sunmorphy - 3
- 4
Any plan for 0.17.0?
#432 opened by chinalwb - 0
- 6
Can carbon show shadow without layout_margin
#430 opened by chinalwb - 1
- 15
Shadows being cut when using a LinearLayout parent
#428 opened by ahmaducg - 1
Carbon Views not extending AppCompat views
#427 opened by ahmaducg - 6
- 2
This feature is implemented using reflection
#425 opened by Anshadalikm - 2
Some Exception
#426 opened by PriyankaOCD - 2
Shadow not working on API 23 device
#423 opened by dovahkiin98 - 1
Whether the child control exceeds the parent container area cannot be drawn
#422 opened by breakadmin - 1
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field mCursorDrawable in class Landroid/widget/Editor;
#421 opened by milinocean - 2
- 1
- 1
How can we use it?
#417 opened by Naguchennai - 2
- 2
- 1
carbon.widget.InputLayout cannot be cast to
#414 opened by hantulautt - 15
Shadow on Android 7.0
#406 opened by bios90 - 3
Shadows do not work for Android 8 and below when the shadow color is set
#413 opened by michaelChicherin - 1
Check ProGuard rules and update installation guide for and master's head.
#412 opened by koral-- - 1
Add ToolStrip to easily make MenuStrips with tools
#410 opened by ZieIony - 1
ViewItemDecoration doesn't draw correctly if items are populated before RecyclerView.onMeasure() is called
#411 opened by ZieIony - 0
SVGs are not supported when reading menu resources
#409 opened by ZieIony - 0
Tooltip popup is not centered horizontally
#408 opened by ZieIony - 1
- 7
Click range
#407 opened by leepeozzz - 4
How to change rippleColor progamatically
#405 opened by burhankhanzada - 1
Failed to resolve: vectordrawable
#403 opened by amirHosseinRashidi - 2
Cant show shadow effect
#402 opened by berromendoza - 2
shadow not work if use alignParentTop
#401 opened by A2DNEW - 1
- 0
- 1
add support for android:enabled
#397 opened by ZieIony - 6
InflateException in Snackbar
#398 opened by ZieIony - 1
Need feature of RenderingMode
#396 opened - 0
carbon_stroke、carbon_cornerRadius、carbon_elevation can't work together in Android 7.0
#395 opened by EastUp - 1
Fix color animations
#394 opened by ZieIony - 1
The new version( can't find the class Shadow. What replaced it?
#393 opened by dreamlivemeng