
System papers for connected and autonomous vehicle research

Target venues: robotics conferences (IROS/ICRA); real-time system conferences (RTSS/RTAS); computing system conferences (ATC/EuroSys/NSDI/ASPLOS/MICRO/HPCA/ISCA/MobiCom/MobiSys/SenSys/SEC/ICDCS); robotics journals (Science Robotics/T-RO/SoRo/RA-L).

End-to-End System

[EuroSys'22] D3: A Dynamic Deadline-Driven Approach for Building Autonomous Vehicles
[MICRO'21] Building the Computing System for Autonomous Micromobility Vehicles: Design Constraints and Architectural Optimizations
[ISCA'21] RoboX: An End-to-End Solution to Accelerate Autonomous Control in Robotics
[IoTJ'21] Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
[PIEEE'19] Edge Computing for Autonomous Driving: Opportunities and Challenges
[IEEE-Micro'15] An Open Approach to Autonomous Vehicles

Benchmark and Characterization

[ICRA'22] VISTA 2.0: An Open, Data-driven Simulator for Multimodal Sensing and Policy Learning for Autonomous Vehicles
[ASPLOS'21] Quantifying the design-space tradeoffs in autonomous drones
[ICRA'21] Pylot: A Modular Platform for Exploring Latency-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Autonomous Vehicles
[RTAS'20] Timing of Autonomous Driving Software: Problem Analysis and Prospects for Future Solutions
[IISWC'20] Demystifying Power and Performance Bottlenecks in Autonomous Driving Systems
[ASPLOS'18] The Architectural Implications of Autonomous Driving: Constraints and Acceleration
[RTAS'17] An Evaluation of the NVIDIA TX1 for Supporting Real-time Computer-Vision Workloads
[PIEEE'11] Vehicular Channel Characterization and Its Implications for Wireless System Design and Performance


[ICRA'22] Real-time Full-stack Traffic Scene Perception for Autonomous Driving with Roadside Cameras
[RTSS'22] Prophet: Realizing a Predictable Real-time Perception Pipeline for Autonomous Vehicles
[RTAS'22] DNN-SAM: Split-and-Merge DNN Execution for Real-Time Object Detection
[NSDI'22] SwarmMap: Scaling Up Real-time Collaborative Visual SLAM at the Edge
[MobiSys'22] Sunflower: Locating Underwater Robots From the Air
[MobiSys'22] AutoCast: Scalable Infrastructure-less Cooperative Perception for Distributed Collaborative Driving
[MobiSys'22] Motion Inspires Notion: Self-supervised Visual-LiDAR Fusion for Environment Depth Estimation
[RTAS'22] Brief Industry Paper: Enabling Level-4 Autonomous Driving on a Single $1k Off-the-Shelf Card
[RTAS'22] Brief Industry Paper: The Necessity of Adaptive Data Fusion in Infrastructure-Augmented Autonomous Driving System
[ICDCS'22] To Turn or Not To Turn, SafeCross is the Answer
[MobiCom'21] VI-eye: semantic-based 3D point cloud registration for infrastructure-assisted autonomous driving
[MICRO'21] Archytas: A Framework for Synthesizing and Dynamically Optimizing Accelerators for Robotic Localization
[HPCA'21] Eudoxus: Characterizing and Accelerating Localization in Autonomous Machines
[NSDI'20] CarMap: Fast 3D Feature Map Updates for Automobiles
[RTSS'20] R-TOD: Real-Time Object Detector with Minimized End-to-End Delay for Autonomous Driving
[RTAS'20] Real-Time Object Detection System with Multi-Path Neural Networks
[RTAS'19] Re-Thinking CNN Frameworks for Time-Sensitive Autonomous-Driving Applications: Addressing an Industrial Challenge
[RTSS'18] ApNet: Approximation-Aware Real-Time Neural Network
[RTSS'18] PredJoule: A Timing-Predictable Energy Optimization Framework for Deep Neural Networks
[SenSys'11] Adversarial Attacks against LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving

Middleware System

[RA-L'21] Oops! It’s Too Late. Your Autonomous Driving System Needs a Faster Middleware
[ATC'21] DART: A Scalable and Adaptive Edge Stream Processing Engine
[RTSS'21] A Middleware Protocol for Time-Critical Wireless Communication of Large Data Samples
[SEC'19] E2M: An Energy-Efficient Middleware for Computer Vision Applications on Autonomous Mobile Robots
[ICDCS'18] OpenVDAP: An Open Vehicular Data Analytics Platform for CAVs

Operating System

[OSDI'22] Microsecond-scale Preemption for Concurrent GPU-accelerated DNN Inferences
[ATC'20] NeuOS: A Latency-Predictable Multi-Dimensional Optimization Framework for DNN-driven Autonomous Systems
[ATC'20] ALERT: Accurate Learning for Energy and Timeliness
[RTSS'20] On Removing Algorithmic Priority Inversion from Mission-critical Machine Inference Pipelines
[RTSS'19] Pipelined Data-Parallel CPU/GPU Scheduling for Multi-DNN Real-Time Inference
[ATX'16] MEANTIME: Achieving Both Minimal Energy and Timeliness with Approximate Computing
[ATC'11] TimeGraph: GPU Scheduling for Real-Time Multi-Tasking Environments
[RTAS'04] Feedback-based real-time scheduling in autonomous vehicle systems

Hardware Architecture

[ATC'22] SOTER: Guarding Black-box Inference for General Neural Networks at the Edge
[ASPLOS'21] Quantifying the design-space tradeoffs in autonomous drones
[ISCA'21] RoboX: An End-to-End Solution to Accelerate Autonomous Control in Robotics
[MICRO'21] Archytas: A Framework for Synthesizing and Dynamically Optimizing Accelerators for Robotic Localization
[HPCA'21] Eudoxus: Characterizing and Accelerating Localization in Autonomous Machines
[RTAS'20] Co-Optimizing Performance and Memory Footprint Via Integrated CPU/GPU Memory Management, an Implementation on Autonomous Driving Platform
[ASPLOS'18] The Architectural Implications of Autonomous Driving: Constraints and Acceleration
[RTAS'17] An Evaluation of the NVIDIA TX1 for Supporting Real-time Computer-Vision Workloads

Another awesome Awesome Autonomous Driving