
Simple GUI simulator using LibGDX

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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Simple GUI rocket/spaceflight simulator using LibGDX. Huge thanks to the LibGDX team!


Desktop / Web

UP     -Zoom in
DOWN   -Zoom out
LEFT   -Simulation speed down
RIGHT  -Simulation speed up
V      -Toggle focus on rocket
SPACE  -Trigger stage
A      -Thrust vector rotate counterclockwise
D      -Thrust vector rotate clockwise
Q      -Rocket rotate counterclockwise
E      -Rocket rotate clockwise
LSHIFT -Throttle up
LCTRL  -Throttle down
X      -Minimize throttle
Z      -Maximize throttle

Drag with left mouse key - Drag the view


Bottom Left:
   Up          -Throttle up
   Down        -Throttle down
   Double up   -Maximize throttle
   Double down -Minimize throttle
Bottom Right:
   Upper left  -Thrust vector rotate counterclockwise
   Upper right -Thrust vector rotate clockwise
   Lower left  -Rocket rotate counterclockwise
   Lower right -Rocket rotate clockwise 
Top Right:
   Focus       -Toggle focus on rocket
   Up          -Simulation speed up
   Down        -Simulation speed down

Triple Tap     -Trigger stage
Drag           -Drag the view
Finger zoom    -Zoom


Earth radius(R)=6378 km
Earth mass(M)=5.977028e24 kg
Gravity constant(G)=6.67428e-11
Atmosphere height(up)=100 km
Sea level air density=1.29 kg/m^3
Physics frame length(dt)=0.05 s

The Deep Dark Fantasies Rocket

This is a new rocket, very unreal, only for testing. It has high thrust, low mass, and uses no fuel. If you change to stage 2, it will automatically try to land.

The F9B5 rocket

The rocket(F9B5auto) is based on SpaceX's Falcon 9 Block 5.

First Stage:
   Dry mass          3795 kg
   Fuel mass         453750 kg
   Max fuel flow     3025 kg/s
   Max thrust        7586000 N
   Burn time         150s
   Drag factor(Cd*S) 3.3
Second Stage:
   Dry mass          1509 kg
   Fuel mass         90000 kg
   Max fuel flow     250 kg/s
   Max thrust        981000 N
   Burn time         360s
   Drag factor(Cd*S) 3.3

   Mass              8000 kg

The effect of thrust changing as atmospheric pressure decreases is not accounted. The atmosphere pressure calculation is a bit unreal(to be fixed). The rocket is set to manual control mode by default.