Damapper command fails
olekto opened this issue · 7 comments
thank you for dentist, it is an intriguing tool.
However, it is a bit annoying for me. I keep getting errors like the one below, without any useful information.
damapper: Command Failed:
LAmerge -a reference.reads.439 /cluster/work/users/olekto/tmp/damapper.81025/reference.reads.439.R@.S.las
LAmerge: Did not write all records to reference.reads.426 (8035)
damapper: Command Failed:
LAmerge -a reference.reads.426 /tmp/damapper.69457/reference.reads.426.R@.S.las
I wondered if the tmp dir was too small, so I set that to a shared folder that can contain multiple terabytes, so I doubt that is the issue anymore.
Some partitions go through fine, however, it is only a handful before one throws an error.
Is there a way to get more useful debugging information? So that I can know how the commands fail and can address that issue?
Thank you.
Hi Ole,
I am aware of this bug but have not found a solution, yet. Also, the author of damapper/daligner is informed about the bug.
I encountered this particular bug only recently, so I am positive it can be resolved by a certain combination of versions of damapper
and LAmgere
(contained in daligner package). I will probably find a quick fix until the end of this week and keep you updated.
So, the bug is introduced by a new feature in LAsort that removes duplicates automatically while sorting. Damapper will probaly need some adjustments.
For the time being, I resorted to using LAsort as of 2020-01-15.
This should be documented in the dependencies section of the README.
Documentation added. I will keep this issue open as a reminder that this might get a proper fix sometime in the future.
thank you Arne.
In the dentist readme, daligner >=2020-07-27. I have daligner/2020.07.27 and dentist is still failing on:
damapper: Command Failed:
LAmerge -a XX.raw_subreads.308 /local/bgfs/cassie.newman/5138508/damapper.94044/XX.raw_subreads.308.R@.S.las
Should I just use daligner version 2020-01-15?
@cassondranewman Sorry, for the late answer. Yes, please try the version 2020-01-15 of daligner.