
add documentation for ROS installation process

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Few of the points that I think ought to be documented in the ROS installation README.md or in the installation script:

  • Why is the bugfix necessary for stage, and what's changed compared to the original. Are these changes needed in future stage versions?
  • Why is desktop-full needed for installation. I don't think students need the full version even for AMR right?

At least these are not obvious to me. If somebody explains I can also make a pull request.

I think the original author is @tmetzl, not sure if he’ll TA this semester as well. Perhaps he can comment on it.

The stage fix is needed because of this:
This bugfix is not in ROS Kinetic and therefor I included the changed stage.hh file.
The bugfix for KDL is needed since a few years because they did not include that in newer versions yet:
The fix is by @alexander-hagg and was already needed when he was the TA together with Marcel.

I included desktop-full since when I wrote the installation script I did not have the time to identify which components are actually needed and which are not.

I don't know who will be TA but I'll talk to Prof. Plöger about in on Monday.

I created two pull-request (#42 and #43) that update the script and the README

There is another issue with the installation script.
For last semesters AMR course (SS18) I created the private HBRS-AMR organization. In there is the public AMR-Wiki (https://github.com/HBRS-AMR/AMR-Wiki).
This also includes the (now outdated) installation script together with a few FAQs and READMEs. Maintaining both installation scripts (here and there) will eventually cause problems because one will be outdated.

I propose to either link to that Wiki or move the Wiki here so we don't have duplicates at different places.
What solution would you prefer?

I think it makes more sense to keep the wiki there and only link to it.

resolved with PR #46