
WordPress Advanced Access Manager Plugin

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

=== Advanced Access Manager - Restricted Content, Users & Roles, Enhanced Security and More ===
Contributors: vasyltech
Tags: access control, backend menu, user role, restricted content, security
Requires at least: 5.2.0
Requires PHP: 5.6.0
Tested up to: 6.6.1
Stable tag: 6.9.38

Take full control of your WordPress site with Advanced Access Manager (AAM), the ultimate plugin for managing access at the frontend, backend, and API levels for any role, user, or visitor.

== Description ==

> Advanced Access Manager (aka AAM) is a powerfully robust WordPress plugin designed to help you control every aspect of your website, your way.


= Key Features =

* **Unparalleled Flexibility:** The only plugin that offers the freedom to define highly specific access controls across your entire site, with most features available for free.
* **Proven Reliability:** Trusted by over 150,000 websites, AAM is rigorously tested and [well-documented](https://aamportal.com/support), ensuring top-notch quality with minimal support needed.
* **Comprehensive Access Management:** Control access for any role, user, or visitor, and configure default permissions for posts, pages, custom post types, categories, and taxonomies.
* **Developer-Friendly:** Loaded with hooks and configurations, AAM integrates seamlessly with WordPress core, providing a robust framework for custom development.
* **Ad-Free Interface:** Enjoy a clean, well-crafted UI without any advertisements or promotional content.
* **Accessible Support:** Get help whenever you need it without being a paid customer. Request support directly from your admin area.
* **Transparent Premium Features:** While most features are free, some advanced functionalities require [premium add-ons](https://aamportal.com/premium). You'll always know when an upgrade is needed.

= Popular Features =

* **Manage Backend Menu:** Control backend menu access for any user or role.
* **Roles & Capabilities:** Customize WordPress roles and capabilities with ease.
* **Authentication Tools:** Manage JWT authentication seamlessly.
* **Temporary User Accounts:** Create and manage temporary user accounts.
* **Content Access:** Enjoy granular access controls for posts, pages, and custom content types (premium feature).
* **Admin Toolbar Management:** Customize the top admin toolbar for any role or user.
* **Backend Lockdown:** Restrict backend access as needed.
* **Secure Login Widget:** Use AJAX login widgets or shortcodes anywhere on your site.
* **API Management:** Enable/disable RESTful and XML-RPC APIs.
* **URI Access Control:** Control access to pages via URLs and set custom redirects (premium feature).
* **Endpoint Access:** Manage access to individual RESTful endpoints.
* **Passwordless Login:** Allow password-free login via URL.
* **Content Filtering:** Use AAM shortcodes to filter or replace content.
* **Redirects:** Set custom login, logout, 404, and access denied redirects.
* **Metaboxes & Widgets:** Manage metaboxes and widgets visibility.
* **IP Address & Domain Access:** Control access based on IP or referred domain (premium feature).
* **Multiple Role Support:** Assign multiple roles to users.
* **And more...**

= Security and Privacy =

AAM is committed to your security and privacy:

* No alterations to your website's database.
* No reading of files outside the AAM plugin folder.
* No creation, modification, or deletion of server files or folders.
* No external data capture or transmission about plugin usage or server details.
* No direct integration with other plugins.
* No user session impersonation or swapping; authentication is managed by WordPress core.
* No advertisements or affiliate links.

Discover the power and flexibility of Advanced Access Manager and take control of your WordPress site today!

== Installation ==

1. Upload `advanced-access-manager` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Screenshots ==

1. Manage access to backend menu
2. Manage access to metaboxes & widgets
3. Manage capabilities for roles and users
4. Manage access to posts, pages, media or custom post types
5. Posts and pages access options form
6. Define access to posts and categories while editing them
7. Manage access denied redirect rule
8. Manage user login redirect
9. Manage 404 redirect
10. Create your own content teaser for limited content
11. Improve your website security

== Changelog ==

= 6.9.38 =
* Fixed: Capabilities that do not follow WP naming standards can't be toggled [#418
* Fixed: URL Access UI bug [#417
* Fixed: Incorrectly handled PostList AAM shortcode [#416
* Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: AAM_Framework_Service_Settings::set_settings(): Argument #1 [#415

= 6.9.37 =
* Fixed: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Redirect type allow does not accept status codes [#413
* Fixed: Incorrectly handled reduced permissions to AAM UI [#414
* Added: Allow to bypass recommended by WordPress core naming convention for capabilities [#412
* Added: Be more verbose with RESTful API errors [#411

= 6.9.36 =
* Fixed: [Allowed memory size of XXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate YYY bytes)](#407)
* Fixed: [Deprecated PHP notice](#408)
* Fixed: [Not all admin menu items get properly protected](#409)
* Added: [Allow the ability to report unexpected application errors](#410)

= 6.9.35 =
* Fixed: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function switch_to_user_locale [#398
* Fixed: The Posts & Terms inheritance indicator is shown incorrectly [#403
* Fixed: Not all posts are listed on the Posts & Terms tab [#399
* Fixed: Role with only numeric numbers is not properly handled [#400
* Fixed: DataTables warning: table id=jwt-list - Requested unknown parameter '2' for row 0 [#404
* Fixed: Reset to default does not work properly in UI [#401
* Changed: By default, turn off the AI assistant [#402
* Added: Develop a shortcode that renders list of posts [#405

= 6.9.34 =
* Changed: Move AAM settings management to framework [#396
* Changed: Move AAM configuration management to framework [#395

= 6.9.33 =
* Fixed: AAM RESTful API does not honor user's selected language [#394
* Changed: Refactor how user status is handled [#393
* Changed: Revise RESTful API [#392

= 6.9.32 =
* Fixed: The "Access Manager Metabox" does not function during initial load [#391
* Changed: Introduce RESTful API to manage users [#390
* Added: Extend Multisite support [#389

= 6.9.31 =
* Fixed: Overwritten flag for content resources does not take into consideration scope [#385
* Fixed: User expiration flag does not clear when resettings all AAM settings [#382
* Added: Fully develop "Content" RESTful API endpoints [#386
* Added: Give the ability to extend AAM Framework with additional methods [#387
* Changed: Move "Posts & Terms" reset feature to RESTful API [#384
* Changed: Speed-up AAM PHP Framework [#388

= 6.9.30 =
* Fixed: The list of terms for any selected taxonomy is not listed [#376
* Fixed: An error of type E_PARSE was caused in line 210 of the file /.../application/Backend/Manager.php [#377
* Fixed: Incorrectly merging access controls for identity governance service with multirole support [#378
* Fixed: Internal inheritance info incorrectly set for Default access level [#379

= 6.9.29 =
* Fixed: Warning: Attempt to read property "capabilities" on null in [#374
* Fixed: Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on bool in [#373
* Fixed: Stripped query strings in new account "set password" links AND Disallowed password reset [#372
* Changed: Move Posts & Terms service to RESTful API [#375

= 6.9.28 =
* Fixed: Message: base64_encode(): Passing null to parameter #1 [#370
* Fixed: Menu items that recycle the same ID are incorrectly handled [#364
* Fixed: The login brute-force feature incorrectly counts hits [#366
* Changed: Take into account multi-byte URLs [#371
* Added: New "User Governance" feature [#369
* Added: Allow the ability to chain method return value for Access Policy marker path [#365
* Added: Add "in" and "not in" operand to the Hook filters [#367
* Added: Allow the ability to turn off "Aarmie AI Chatbot" [#368
* Deprecated: The "User Level Filters" [https://aamportal.com/article/demystifying-the-aam-user-level-filter-service](https://aamportal.com/article/demystifying-the-aam-user-level-filter-service)

= 6.9.27 =
* Fixed: Backend Menu & Toolbar services do not show any items [#362
* Added: Introduce Aarmie virtual assistant [#361

= 6.9.26 =
* Fixed: Metaboxes & Widgets service appends list for each refresh [#358
* Fixed: Fatal error: No such file or directory in /.../application/Core/Migration.php:184 [#357
* New:   Add the ability to change HTTP status code for "Access Denied" message [#359
* Changed: Revise all redirect functionality and standardize internal implementation [#360

= 6.9.25 =
* Fixed: Access Policy Param "Enforce" did not enforce [#355
* Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: AAM_Core_Policy_Token::evaluate(): Argument #3 ($args) must be of type array, null given [#353
* Added: Enhance Hook Access Policy Resource [#354

= 6.9.24 =
* Fixed: Incorrectly merged access controls with 3 or more roles [#352
* Fixed: Unnecessary forward slashes escapes in Access Policies [#350
* New: Added the "Operator" option for Access Policies Conditions [#351
* New: Added support for IP CIDR annotations for Access Policies [#349

= 6.9.23 =
* Fixed: Type E_Error in Visibility.php [#347
* Fixed: The previous selected role does not visually uncheck if switched to manage visitors or default [#348
* Changed: The minimum required WordPress version was lifted from 5.0.0 to 5.2.0.

= 6.9.22 =
* Fixed: Redirect to login page for visitors does not work [#346
* Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: method_exists() [#344
* Changed: Added "mergeAlign.limit" property [#345
* Changed: Change how ${USER.ip} marker works [#338

= 6.9.21 =
* Fixed: Content visibility issue with multi-role setup [#342
* Fixed: URL Access feature does not save "Redirect to page" [#339
* Changed: Enhance plugins security pasture [#341

= 6.9.20 =
* Fixed: When deleting URL Access rule, the "Unexpected Application Error" is displayed [#337
* Fixed: URL Access does not correctly handle multiple roles [#336
* Changed: Add-ons page overhaul [#335

= 6.9.19 =
* Fixed: Handling "Profile" submenu access [#334
* Fixed: Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /../Content.php on line 223 [#333
* Fixed: Undefined array key 2 in /../application/Core/Object/Menu.php on line 136 [](#331)
* Changed: Improve Login Redirect Shortcode redirect [#332

= 6.9.18 =
* Fixed: DataTables alert when URL Access service has at least one rule [#330
* Fixed: AAM core caching override [#329
* Fixed: PHP Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter [#326
* Changed: Update core API to allow defining option autoload [#328
* Changed: Update the "Welcome" service to include most common use-cases [#327

= 6.9.17 =
* Fixed: Fatal error: array_merge(): Argument #2 must be of type array, string given in .../LoginForm.php:46 [#318
* Fixed: Custom HTML message is escaped [#322
* Added New: Add the ability to add additional properties to URL Access form [#320
* Added New: Enhance Access Policy Hook resource [#323
* Changed: Move away from WP core transients [#319
* Changed: Move xpath resolver to its own class [#321
* Changed: Change the RESTful API rest_pre_dispatch filter priority [#324
* Changed: Changed the minimum required WP version to 5.0.0 [#325

= 6.9.16 =
* Fixed: Error when trying to edit the menu [#315
* Breaking Change: Removed `callback` attribute from `aam` shortcodes [#316
* Changed: Improved shortcode remote IP detection [#317

= 6.9.14 =
* Fixed: PHP deprecated notices [#305
* Fixed: Admin Menu get corrupted if the first submenu is restricted [#307
* Fixed: Multipage role list malfunction [#306
* Fixed: Empty error message when role fail to create [#310
* Changed: Adding ref=plugin query param to all links that point to aamportal.com [#308
* Added New: Introduce Access Denied Redirect RESTful API [#309

= 6.9.13 =
* Fixed: User object does not initialize after login [#300
* Fixed: Wildcard for URL Access malfunction [#296
* Fixed: Restoring a previous Policy Revision adds backslashes (thank you @solaceten) [#294
* Fixed: Incorrectly handled login redirect with access policy [#299
* Changed: Move toolbar cache to transient & increase cache ttl [#297
* Added New: Add additional helpful tips to the AAM UI [#298
* Added New: Introduce Metaboxes & Widgets RESTful API [#301
* Added New: Introduce Backend Menu RESTful API [#293
* Added New: Introduce Admin Toolbar RESTful API [#302
* Added New: Add notification about premium add-on update availability [#303
* Added New: Introduce restricted mode for RESTful API [#304

= 6.9.12 =
* Fixed: URL Access skips query params for new rules [#283
* Fixed: Access policy does not apply for newly logged in user [#286
* Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 5.6 [#287
* Changed: Rewrite the Login Redirect service to use RESTful API [#285
* Changed: Rewrite the Logout Redirect service to use RESTful API [#291
* Changed: Rewrite the 404 Redirect service to use RESTful API [#292
* Changed: Backend Menu UI improvement [#288
* Changed: Admin toolbar UI improvement [#289
* Changed: Metaboxes & Widgets UI improvement [#290
* Added New: Allow redefining the login message when access is restricted [#284

= 6.9.11 =
* Fixed: Change role does not work for expired access [#279
* Changed: Enhance JWT Token RESTful API [#278
* Changed: Replace deprecated DateTime format [#281
* Changed: Improve user experience during plugin activation [#282

= 6.9.10 =
* Fixed: Can't see AAM settings when editing page [#270
* Fixed: The set_slug should not sanitize key [#271
* Fixed: Admin Menu restriction edge-case [#272
* Changed: Refactor JWT Token Service [#273
* Changed: Refactor the API Route Service [#274
* Changed: Normalize Role ID [#275
* Changed: Stop using user_status column [#276

= 6.9.9 =
* Fixed: Undefined array key "callback" [#264
* Fixed: PHP Deprecated: strpos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string [#265
* Changed: Disabling the "Render Access Manager Metabox" by default [#268
* Changed: #266 [#266
* Added: Include MU plugins in the policy dependency check [#267

= 6.9.8 =
* Fixed: Fix the missing token_expires [#263
* Fixed: DataTables warning: table id=role-list - Ajax error [#262
* Fixed: List of users does not filter [#261

= 6.9.7 =
* Fixed: DataTables warning: table id=role-list [#258
* Fixed: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError [#259
* Added New: Warn user about disabling RESTful API [#260

= 6.9.6 =
* Fixed: Role XXX already exists [#250
* Fixed: Clean-up deprecated warnings [#252
* Added New: RESTful API to manage Roles [#253
* Added New: Introducing AAM Developer Framework [#254
* Added New: Enhance AAM API to allow settings reset [#249
* Changed: Simplify premium offering functionality further [#255
* Changed: Remove all references to aamplugin.com [#256

= 6.9.5 =
* Fixed: Duplicated ConfigPress editor [#241
* Changed: Switch to aamportal.com API for the premium add-ons [#243
* Changed: Improve AAM Admin Menu feature performance [#240

= 6.9.4 =
* Fixed: Incorrectly escaped string values [#239
* Fixed: Incorrectly handled revoked token validation [#238
* Fixed: Super-Admin is unable to re-assign roles in network sites [#180

= 6.9.3 =
* Fixed: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable... [#236
* Fixed: Warning: Undefined variable $value in... [#235
* Changed: Deprecating offering of some AAM premium add-ons [#237

= 6.9.2 =
* Fixed: Compliance with WordPress.org code quality [#229

= 6.9.1 =
* Fixed: Incorrectly stripped backslashes for Access Policy [#228
* Fixed: PHP Notice: Function AAM_Backend_Subject::hasCapability was called incorrectly [#227
* Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in [#226
* Added New: Add the ability to hook into filter [#225

= 6.9.0 =
* Fixed: Revoking JWT token via UI causes current user to logout [#224
* Fixed: Notice: Undefined variable: cache [#223
* Changed: Update JWT vendor [#221

= 6.8.5 =
* Fixed: Redirect may not always work [#214
* Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index: 404.redirect.** [#215
* Changed: Update DataTables to 1.12.1 [#217
* Added New: Allow value chaining for PHP_GLOBAL marker [#216
* Added New: Add the ability to filter assigned/unassigned capabilities [#218

= 6.8.4 =
* Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$override [#211
* Changed: Upgraded iFrame resizer library [#213
* Changed: Replace CodeMirror with WP default instance [#212

= 6.8.3 =
* Fixed: PHP Deprecated: filter_var(): Passing null to parameter [#208
* Added New: Extend CALLBACK to support inline arguments [#206
* Added New: Add support for the THE_POST token [#205
* Added New: Add support for new resource types Filter & Action [#207

= 6.8.2 =
* Fixed: Fix jquery 1.9 incompatibility with attr 'checked' by @Tofandel [#204

= 6.8.1 =
* Fixed: Translation issues [#199
* Fixed: Undefined class constant 'DB_VIOLATION_OPTION' [#198
* Changed: Add "Free" tab to the add-ons page [#203

= 6.8.0 =
* Changed: Enhanced security pasture by escaping potentially harmful output, if information was directly modified in the DB or not escaped during storing AAM settings, reported by WordPress Plugin Review Team
* Fixed: Cleared potentially corrupted data about status of premium add-ons.
* Changed: Re-opened direct communication with the AAM developer through the Slack channel [https://aamplugin.com/support](https://aamplugin.com/support)

= 6.7.9 =
* Changed: Enhanced security pasture by escaping potentially harmful input from users that do not have unfiltered_html capability, reported by WordPress Plugin Review Team [#192
* Changed: Disabling the "User Role Filter" by default for all new AAM installations [#193

= 6.7.8 =
* Changed: Adjusted suite of automated tests, confirmed that AAM is compatible with the latest WP version

= 6.7.7 =
* Changed: A notice "Object of class WP_User…" reported by @it4joy [#184

= 6.7.6 =
* Fixed Bug: Incorrectly handled "Add User" for with multisite setup by @terrance-orletsky-d7 [#179
* Fixed Bug: WP Notice in logs for fread by @terrance-orletsky-d7 [#177

= 6.7.5 =
* Fixed Bug: Access Policy breaks Broadcaster Plugin by @SEA-NET [#170
* Changed: Enhanced the premium life-cycle management [#173

= 6.7.4 =
* Fixed Bug: Access settings are not saved, reported by @argolein [#167
* Changed: INI format warning, reported by @dannysummerlinjstartorg [#160
* Changed: Minor change. Improved the UI consistency between views.

= 6.7.3 =
* Fixed Bug: Incorrectly handled .attr('checked') by the latest jQuery update [#166

= 6.7.2 =
* Fixed Bug: PHP Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed [#163
* Added New: Thx to [@sigysmund](https://github.com/sigysmund). Support for OpenSSL RSA private keys, to have a passphrase [#165
* Changed: Remove Support Message Modal from UI [#164

= 6.7.1 =
* Fixed Bug: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class name must be a valid object or a string [#156

= 6.7.0 =
* Fixed Bug: Incorrectly merged settings with multi-role enabled [#152
* Changed: Simplify the Route service [#153
* Changed: Unexpected Application Error Message Misleads [#151
* Added New: AAM CLI: Allow the ability import/export settings [#150

= 6.6.4 =
* Fixed Bug: DataTables warning: table id=post-ipcheck-list - Cannot reinitialise DataTable [#149
* Changed: User Level Filter Service: Performance Request by @dannysummerlinjstartorg [#142

= 6.6.3 =
* Fixed Bug: Initial access settings for post are not loaded [#143

= 6.6.2 =
* Fixed Bug: Reported by Wordfence research team issue with multi-role support [#138
* Changed: Simplify `aam/v2/authenticate` output [#139

= 6.6.1 =
* Fixed Bug: register_rest_route was called incorrectly in WP 5.5 [#136
* Fixed Bug: When AAM is active, the Password Protected cannot be set [#137

= 6.6.0 =
* Fixed Bug: No ability to "allow" API Route [#131
* Fixed Bug: Passwordless login sets cookie that might logout issues [#129
* Fixed Bug: AAM does not retain selected time [#133
* Changed: Logout user automatically if JWT token is revoked [#118
* Changed: Enhance Backend Menu service [#114
* Added New: The ability to export/import access policies [#130
* Added New: Add `roles` claim to the issued JWT token [#100
* Added New: [aam-login] shortcode that renders AAM secure login form [#90

= 6.5.4 =
* Fixed Bug: Incorectly evaluated best candidate for the conditional statement [#128

= 6.5.3 =
* Fixed Bug: PHP Warning: Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /service/core.php [#126
* Added New: Allow to target the same resource with multiple statements [#124
* Added New: Enhance "In" condition for the access policies [#123
* Changed: Change the access policy initialization order [#122

= 6.5.2 =
* Fixed Bug: Passwordless authentication disregards "redirect_to" query param [#117
* Fixed Bug: Failing to reset user expiration settings [#119
* Fixed Bug: IP Check: Inherited rule cannot be deleted [#116

= 6.5.1 =
* Fixed Bug: edit_category_form_fields is deprecated since version 3.0.0! [#115
* Fixed Bug: Incorrectly loading iframe resizer [#113

= 6.5.0 =
* Fixed Bug: No visual loading process in the Post Access metabox [#111
* Fixed Bug: Safari browser cropps the modals [#107
* Fixed Bug: Backend menu IDs with upper-case letters fail to restrict [#105
* Fixed Bug: Deleting role does not reload the main panel [#102
* Fixed Bug: Incorrect user login redirect with passworless URL [#98
* Added New: The ability to reset access settings for any specific subject [#109
* Added New: Slug to the Posts & Terms tab [#108
* Added New: Use `Authorization` header with fallback to `Authentication` [#99
* Added New: Filter post's content with [aam] shortcode and capability [#96
* Added New: The ability to manage access to navigation menu[#89
* Changed: Simplify support message payload [#106
* Changed: Update bootstrap to 3.4.1 [#95
* Changed: Dynamically adjust AAM iFrame to its content [#104
* Changed: Enhance role cloning feature [#97

= 6.4.3 =
* Fixed Bug: Invalid AAM notifications [#92
* Fixed Bug: HTTP redirect status code must be a redirection code, 3xx [#94
* Fixed Bug: PHP Deprecated: contextual_help is "deprecated" since version 3.3.0 [#93

= 6.4.2 =
* Fixed Bug: Plus Package add-on: Call to undefined function wp_parse_list() [#87
* Added New: Backward compatibility, return v1/authenticate endpoint [#91
* Added New: Implement "New update is available" feature [#88

= 6.4.1 =
* Fixed Bug: Access Policy does not allow to use token in the param's value [#84
* Fixed Bug: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable [#82
* Fixed Bug: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_main_site_id() [#81
* Fixed Bug: Plus Package add-on: Incorrect handling of tags with white space [#86
* Added New: Plus Package add-on: Define multiple default terms (including tags) [#83

= 6.4.0 =
* Fixed Bug: URI Access: Changing existing URI rule puts it in the end of the list [#74
* Fixed Bug: URI Access: Incorrect handling of the inherited rules [#77
* Fixed Bug: CSS issue with add-on button when it is inactive [#78
* Fixed Bug: IP Check add-on: Failure to delete rules [#65
* Fixed Bug: IP Check add-on: Incorrectly evaluated multiple rules [#66
* Fixed Bug: Plus Package add-on: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ...ContentHooks.php on line 800 [#73
* Fixed Bug: Plus Package add-on: Terms & Taxonomies settings take effect when Post & Terms service is off [#69
* Added New: Plus Package add-on: Support for the "ADD NEW" term access option to access policy [#57
* Added New: Plus Package add-on: Wildcard support for the API Routes in access policies [#56
* Added New: Plus Package add-on: More granular access to taxonomy/term visibility [#54
* Added New: IP Check add-on: Integration with Access Policy [#68
* Added New: The ability to define "Access Denied Redirect" rules with access policy [#61
* Added New: The ability to define "Login Redirect" rules with access policy [#62
* Added New: The ability to define "Logout Redirect" rules with access policy [#63
* Added New: The ability to define "404 Redirect" rules with access policy [#64
* Added New: Allow the ability to programmatically get AAM service [#71
* Added New: The ability to change role's slug [#72
* Added New: The ability to issue refreshable JWT token through RESTful API [#16
* Added New: The "Manage Access" toolbar menu item [#26
* Added New: AAM [WP-CLI add-on](https://github.com/aamplugin/aam-cli). Allows to install premium AAM add-ons and access policies. Check [for more details](https://aamplugin.com/reference/plugin#wp-cli-commands)
* Changed:   Use slugs instead of post/term IDs during policy generation [#80
* Changed:   Policy Generate button does not have tooltip [#79
* Changed:   Access Policy Generator split across services [#76
* Changed:   Enhanced AAM API [#75
* Changed:   The 404 (Not Found) Redirect now is allowed to be customized per user and role [#64

= 6.3.3 =
* Change: Updated core to allow geolocation functionality with IP Check
* Change: Enhanced [IP Check](https://aamplugin.com/pricing/ip-check) add-on with ability to define geolocation rules [https://aamplugin.com/article/how-to-manage-access-to-wordpress-website-based-on-location](https://aamplugin.com/article/how-to-manage-access-to-wordpress-website-based-on-location)
* Change: Enhanced [Plus Package](https://aamplugin.com/pricing/plus-package)

= 6.3.2 =
* Fixed Bug: *_OTHERS posts & terms access options malfunction [#52

= 6.3.1 =
* Fixed Bug: Draft policy still applicable if attached to user or role [#49
* Fixed Bug: Resetting all AAM settings still keep legacy settings in DB [#48
* Fixed Bug: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in .../Repository.php on line 71 [#47
* Fixed Bug: User's capabilities, populated through policy, are gone when rebased [#45
* Fixed Bug: Cannot lock user with AAM UI [#43
* Fixed Bug: Teaser Message modified with added backslashes to single and double quotes [#42

= 6.3.0 =
* Fixed Bug: PHP Notice about missing license key [#12
* Fixed Bug: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXX bytes exhausted [#15
* Fixed Bug: PHP Notice: Undefined index: path [#18
* Fixed Bug: PHP Notice: Undefined index: password [#31
* Fixed Bug: NGIX compatibility for URI Access [#33
* Fixed Bug: URI Access service does not protect the homepage [#17
* Fixed Bug: New rule is created if URI Access endpoint is updated [#35
* Fixed Bug: Conflict with Jatpack plugin [#25
* Fixed Bug: Potentially incorrectly used PHP core `list` function [#38
* Added New: Access Policy token [PHP_GLOBAL](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#php_global)
* Added New: Access Policy token [WP_NETWORK_OPTION](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#wp_network_option)
* Added New: Allow to attach Access Policies to Default subject [#13
* Added New: Ability to create new access policy from generated [#27

= 6.2.2 =
* Fixed Bug: Backend Dashboard index.php still could be restricted with Backend Menu service
* Fixed Bug: Policy Generator - Fatal error with PHP lower than 7.0.0
* Fixed Bug: Policy Validator - Improper dependency validation when if it is not installed
* Fixed Bug: Default access settings not propagated to user that does not have any roles (multisite setup)
* Fixed Bug: Reset settings where not synced across all subsites in multisite setup
* Added New: Ability to define wildcard [BackendMenu](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#backendmenu) resource with Access Policy
* Added New: Ability to define wildcard [Metabox](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#metabox) resource with Access Policy
* Added New: Ability to define wildcard [Widget](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#widget) resource with Access Policy
* Added New: Ability to define wildcard [Toolbar](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#toolbar) resource with Access Policy

= 6.2.1 =
* Fixed Bug: Very minor UI issue with Access Policy Delete pop-up
* Added New: Enhanced Access Policy with new [POLICY_META](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#policy_meta) token
* Change: Access Policy post type supports custom fields now

= 6.2.0 =
* Fixed Bug: Access policy was not applied to visitors
* Fixed Bug: Bug fixing that is related to unwanted PHP notices [https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/456-notice-undefined-index-expire](https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/456-notice-undefined-index-expire)
* Fixed Bug: Failing to delete multiple Access URI rules without reloading the page
* Added New: Ability to generate Access Policy from user's or role's settings [https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/446-announcement-about-upcoming-features/2](https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/446-announcement-about-upcoming-features/2)
* Added New: More granular control over the HIDDEN access option [https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/446-announcement-about-upcoming-features](https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/446-announcement-about-upcoming-features)
* Added New: Export/Import AAM settings [https://aamplugin.com/article/how-to-export-and-import-aam-settings](https://aamplugin.com/article/how-to-export-and-import-aam-settings)
* Added New: Ability to send support request from the AAM UI
* Added New: Multisite Settings Sync service that allows to sync access settings changes across all sites
* Added New: New hook `aam_updated_access_settings` that is triggered when access settings are stored
* Added New: New data type casting (*date) for Access Policy [https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#markers](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#markers)
* Added New: New POLICY_PARAM access policy token [https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#policy_param](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#policy_param)
* Added New: New WP_SITE access policy token [https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#wp_site](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#wp_site)
* Change: [DATETIME](https://aamplugin.com/reference/policy#marker-datetime) access policy token returns time in UTC timezone
* Change: Enhanced security over AAM UI
* Change: Multiple internal simplifications and refactoring

= 6.1.1 =
* Fixed Bug: Unnecessary backslashes before displaying the access policy [https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/432-access-policy-ui-escaping-slashes](https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/432-access-policy-ui-escaping-slashes)
* Fixed Bug: aam_access_dashboard custom capability caused "Access Denied"
* Change: Enforcing default `307` Temporary Redirect code if none is provided for any AAM redirect functionality
* Change: Persisting the last managed role, user or visitor on the AAM page
* Change: Improved safety by using the last role on the list instead of the default Administrator role
* Change: Optimized access policy service. Changed the way it is applied to any given object
* Added New: Migration script that clears previously detected migration errors

= 6.1.0 =
* Fixed Bug: Access Policy UI - the "Attach to Default" button was not rendering correctly
* Fixed Bug: Role Management UI - the PHP notice where `Undefined variable: parent`
* Fixed Bug: AAM UI page - improperly compressed HTML response if server config does not match PHP executable INI settings
* Fixed Bug: Login Redirect Settings - incorrectly merged settings for multi-role support
* Fixed Bug: Logout Redirect Settings - incorrectly merged settings for multi-role support
* Fixed Bug: Access Denied Redirect Settings - incorrectly merged settings for multi-role support
* Fixed Bug: API Route Settings - incorrectly halted inheritance mechanism
* Fixed Bug: Admin Toolbar Settings - incorrectly halted inheritance mechanism
* Fixed Bug: URI Access Settings - incorrectly halted inheritance mechanism
* Fixed Bug: Content Visibility Settings - incorrectly merged settings for multi-role support
* Fixed Bug: Access Policy Core - incorrectly managed internal cache
* Fixed Bug: AAM Core - incorrectly managed internal object cache
* Fixed Bug: Content Service - incorrectly mapped `do_not_allow` capability if any of the registered post types have it
* Fixed Bug: Content Service - fatal error `Cannot use object of type Closure as array` [https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/354-php-fatal-error-cannot-use-object-of-type-closure-as-array](https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/354-php-fatal-error-cannot-use-object-of-type-closure-as-array)
* Fixed Bug: The `aam_show_toolbar` capability was not taken in consideration
* Fixed Bug: Logout Redirect Service - White screen occurs if "Default" option is explicitly selected [https://wordpress.org/support/topic/blank-log-out-page-on-6-0-5/](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/blank-log-out-page-on-6-0-5/)
* Change: Refactored internal inheritance mechanism where AAM objects no longer responsible to check for inheritance flag. This eliminates several constrains that we discovered recently.
* Change: Multiple minor changes to the codebase to consume internal AAM API in more consistent way
* Change: JWT & Secure Login Services - enriched RESTful API error responses with more details about an error
* Change: Content Service - optimization improvements
* Added New: Implemented new filter `aam_token_typecast_filter` for Access Policy for custom type casting
* Added New: Implemented support for the `=>` (map to) operator for the Access Policy
* Added New: Implemented support for the AAM_CONFIG marker for the Access Policy

= 6.0.5 =
* Fixed Bug: Refactored the license managements. Fixed bugs with license registration https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/356-unregistered-version-message
* Fixed Bug: Some servers do not allow WP core string concatenation. This was causing 403 https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/389-message-loading-aam-ui-please-wait-403-forbidden
* Fixed Bug: Media list on Posts & Terms tab is not rendered correctly due to improperly managed DB query for post type `attachment`
* Fixed Bug: AAM core getOption method did not deserialized settings properly in some cases
* Fixed Bug: Access Manager metabox was rendered for users that have ability to manage other users https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/371-you-are-not-allowed-to-manage-any-aam-subject
* Fixed Bug: Logout redirect was no working properly https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/339-problem-with-login-shortcode-and-widget
* Fixed Bug: The Drill-Down button was not working on Posts & Terms tab
* Fixed Bug: Access policy Action "Create" was not converted at all for the PostType resource
* Change:    Simplified the first migration script by removing all error emissions. We captured enough migration logs to be confident about proper migration of the most critical settings
* Change:    Changed verbiage for the Enterprise Package on the Add-ons area
* Change:    Added info notification to the Posts & Terms tab for proper Media access controls
* Change:    Merge internal Settings service with Core service
* Change:    Added new migration script that fixed issues with legacy names for premium add-ons
* Change:    Added new internal AddOn manager class
* Added New: Added the ability to check for new add-on updates from the Add-ons area
* Added New: Published free AAM add-on AAM Protected Media Files https://wordpress.org/plugins/aam-protected-media-files/

= 6.0.4 =
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/367-authentication-jwt-expires-fatal-error
* Fixed Bug: JWT validation endpoint did not check token's expiration based on UTC timezone
* Fixed Bug: Removed unnecessary console.log invocations from the aam.js library
* Fixed Bug: Fixed the potential bug with improperly merged options when access policy Param's Value is defined as multi-dimensional array
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/339-problem-with-login-shortcode-and-widget
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/371-you-are-not-allowed-to-manage-any-aam-subject
* Fixed Bug: Incompatibility with plugins that are extremely aggressive and modify the WP_Query "suppress_filters" flag. Shame on you guys!

= 6.0.3 =
* Fixed Bug: Fatal Error - Class 'AAM_Core_Server' not found. https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/358-uncaught-error-class-aam-core-server-not-found
* Fixed Bug: Fixed the bug where post types that do not have Gutenberg enabled are not shown on the Metaboxes & Widgets tab https://wordpress.org/support/topic/in-metaboxes-widgets-no-pages/
* Fixed Bug: Not all possible post types are shown on the Posts & Terms tab

= 6.0.2 =
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/361-uncaught-error-call-to-a-member-function-settimezone-on-boolean
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/378-aam-6-0-1-conflict-with-acf-advanced-custom-fields
* Fixed Bug: Migration script, fixed couple more minor bugs that were causing warnings

= 6.0.1 =
* Fixed Bug: Numerous bugs fixed in the migration script. New script prepared to do additional clean-up and fix corrupted data
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/369-notice-undefined-offset-1-service-content-php-on-line-509
* Fixed Bug: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/6-0-issues/
* Fixed Bug: https://forum.aamplugin.com/d/353-comment-system-activated
* Fixed Bug: Migration script was skipping access settings conversion for roles that have white space in slug
* Added New: Additional migration script for clean-up and fixing corrupted data

= 6.0.0 =
* Complete rewrite of the entire plugin. For more information, check [this article](https://aamplugin.com/article/advanced-access-manager-next-generation)

= 5.0 =
* Added ACCESS COUNTER option to Posts & Pages
* Added premium MONETIZE option to Posts & Pages
* Added ability to turn off "Secure Login" feature
* Added ability to toggle extension status (active/inactive)
* Added ability for AAM to filter out Admin Top Bar based on restricted admin menus
* Deprecated AAM Role Filter extension and merged it to the AAM core
* Deprecated AAM Payment extension and merged it with AAM E-Commerce extension
* Deprecated ConfigPress options that manage access to AAM UI. All is based on capabilities from now.
* Split UI to three areas: Access, Settings and Extensions
* Fixed over 25+ reported bugs and discovered during internal refactoring
* Removed deprecated "Security" feature. Replaced with Secure Login Widget
* Removed deprecated "Teaser" feature. Replaced with Teaser Message per post base

= 4.0 =
* Added link Access to category list
* Added shortcode [aam] to manage access to the post's content
* Moved AAM Redirect extension to the basic AAM package
* Moved AAM Login Redirect extension to the basic AAM package
* Moved AAM Content Teaser extension to the basic AAM package
* Set single password for any post or posts in any category or post type
* Added two protection mechanism from login brute force attacks
* Added double authentication mechanism
* Few minor core bug fixings
* Improved multisite support
* Improved caching mechanism

= 3.0 =
* Brand new and much more intuitive user interface
* Fully responsive design
* Better, more reliable and faster core functionality
* Completely new extension handler
* Added "Manage Access" action to the list of user
* Tested against WP 3.8 and PHP 5.2.17 versions

= 2.0 =
* New UI
* Robust and completely new core functionality
* Over 3 dozen of bug fixed and improvement during 3 alpha & beta versions
* Improved Update mechanism

= 1.0 =
* Fixed issue with comment editing
* Implemented JavaScript error catching