1. Copy paste the toycar package into your workspace and source it
2. Run the following command in your terminal

Roslaunch toycar gazebo.launch

This will launch the toy car model with the Lidar and IMU attached. 

Phase 1: Lidar and IMU integration has been done. Check videos folder for the same

Phase 2: Both longitudinal and Lateral controllers have been implemented. Check the code for the same

Phase 3: Mapping has been partially done. The Teleop_key node package has been modified to move our toycar in the given environment. Check the modified package of teleopkey attached.

Mapping is still in progress. Video recording of the partially mapped environment and controlling the toycar via Teleopkey is provided.

The A* star has been used to give the final path based on the constraints from the Ackermann steering model. The output published to the controller are Steering profile and vehicle velocity.