
Full-stack webapp to perform CRUD operation on database and uses JSP to provide GUI

Primary LanguageJava


Full-stack webapp to perform CRUD operation on database and uses JSP template engine.


Customer object fields

  • id
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • email

Endpoints Mapping

Base Context-Path

http://{host_name}/customer - /customer is the base context-path for CustomerController class.

http://{host_name}/customer/list - It map with listCustomers() method that retrieve all customers data from database.

Add Customer Button -

Endpoint - http://{host_name}/customer/showFormForAdd It map with showFormForAdd() method to open new Add Customer Form with First Name, Last Name and Email fields.

Technology Stack

  • Framework - Spring MVC
  • View Technology - JSP( Java Server Pages)
  • ORM - Hibernate
  • Server - Tomcat