- abakan-zzSan Francisco, CA
- alxfFixstudio
- ashumeowMiddle East
- berndca
- cd01Japan
- danwosuseblocks
- dormouse
- DrLulz
- fkztwTaiwan
- gokceneraslanGenentech
- jhermann@mam-dev
- jorgebg@eventbrite
- karlcow@apple
- ketanbhattDublin, Ireland
- kojitokidaHAKKI AFRICA
- MagicSwordSOHO
- marbleFreelancer
- mehmetgSan Francisco, CA
- moorepantsred Love
- NedaV22
- ostrokachUniversity of Toronto
- phaufe
- prologic@anzx
- Quasimo
- saghul@jitsi
- samtuxAula Geomática
- saschagottfriedadesso SE
- savage69kr
- shichao-anSan Francisco, CA
- sietseGelderland, the Netherlands
- silopolisU-Man
- slmingolSomewhere in the contintental US
- steveschnepp::1
- uralbashYekaterinburg
- wdv4758hTaipei, Taiwan
- Yonet@Azure