
:octocat: Welcome to my GitHub profile! Although this README might look long and detailed, it is not a comprehensive overview of my skills and abilities, so if you want to know more about me, be sure to get in touch!

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Hello, World! 👋 I'm Son Nguyen!



My full name is Son Hoang Nguyen. I'm currently a student at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. From May 2023 to August 2023, I worked as a Software Engineering Intern at VNG Corporation - one of the largest tech companies in Vietnam and in Asia, and I specialized in full-stack web development and video-streaming platform development for the company. For more information about me, continue reading this README, visit my GitHub repos, or feel free to visit my portfolio website using this link!

Skills and Knowledge

  • 🌍 Web Development: HTML / CSS / SASS / Bootstrap / React / Angular / Vue / Web Assembly / Django / Node.js / Redux / Webpack / AWS / RESTful APIs / jQuery
  • 🎲 Game Development: Unreal Engine / DirectX / JavaFX
  • 📱 Mobile Development: React Native / Flutter / Android (Kotlin) / iOS (Swift)
  • 🐍 Languages: Java / C++ / C / Assembly / Python / R / Swift / JavaScript / Verilog / PHP / Go
  • 🚀 Databases: MySQL / MongoDB / Apache Cassandra / PostgreSQL / Firebase
  • 📊 Data Analytics: PowerBI / Tableau / Stata / GraphQL
  • ⌨️ Architectures: Micro-Frontends / Micro-Services
  • 🔧 Tools: Git / Unit Testing / GitHub Action / Ubuntu / Docker
  • 🎨 Design: Figma / Adobe Illustrator / Blender


Here is a list of my notable professional and personal projects that I have worked on & contributed to so far:


  • 🤖 DS102X: Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics Certificate by Columbia University.
  • 📊 BDE1x: Big Data & Education Certificate by The University of Pennsylvania.
  • 💾 PH125.1x: Data Science Certificates by Harvard University.
  • 👨‍💻 HCIxI: Human-Computer Interaction Certificate by Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • 🔗 REST APIs Certificate by Codecademy.
  • 🗣️ Leadership and Communication Certificate by Harvard University.
  • 📈 Analyzing Business Metrics with SQL Certificate by Codecademy.
  • 📝 Data Science Ethics Certificate by the University of Michigan.
  • 💰 CS198.1x: Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Certificate by The University of California at Berkeley.
  • 🌍 Building Your Cybersecurity Toolkit Certificate by The University of Washington.

My GitHub Stats:

Hoang Son's GitHub Streak

Hoang Son's GitHub Trophies

Hoang Son's Most Used Languages

Hoang Son's GitHub Stats

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