
Get latest news in "News App", built with React JS using Rapid API || With Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Domain Info

GitHub repo size GitHub issues

News App is a Web Application to get the latest news from around the world. It uses the API to fetch the news data. The application is built using React.js and Bootstrap.

Live Application URL

You can access the application live at https://news-app-abhishek.netlify.app/


  • Node.js installed on local machine.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/abhi-soni/news-app.git

  2. Change directory: cd news-app

  3. Install dependencies: npm install

  4. Start the server: npm run dev

  5. Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser to view the app.


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open a pull request or branch from this repo.