
This software package performs q learning on a damaged(handicaped) magni robot so as to make it follow the trajectory with least deviation

Primary LanguageC++


As robot autonomy continues to improve, a growing number of robots are being deployed into real-world situations where there is a high probability of hardware damage that can prevent them from performing their designed tasks. Instead of trying to diagnose the damage itself, the robots are adapting to their damage using a trial-and-error approach called Reinforcement Learning (RL). For this Damage Recovery project, we were given the Magni Robot, to implement RL using C++ and ROS to “fix” a damaged motor, wheel, or leg depending on the application. Our RL algorithm would learn to correct for “damage” using the position and orientation of the robot as inputs and outputting a prescribed motor velocity, linear in X and angular in Z. Our goals for our RL algorithm was to stay as close to the straight line as possible and increase the learning rate for the speed of convergence.

Check the MagniProjectReport.pdf for more details.


  • ROS-Kinetic

Run Instructions

mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
git clone 
cd catkin_ws/src
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch magni_bringup base.launch
rosrun rl expfast


  • Set the reward, learning rate, actions and states
  • Initialize Q matrix to 0 if first iteration or read the from file that saves the Q matrix.
  • Till Goal is Reached
  • Calculate Old state
  • Select a random action
  • Compute reward reward = -abs(4.5-currentState);
  • Update Q matrix using bellman equation
  • Write the Q matrix for the next iteration


Combined Image


  • Training Episode

[Demo video]

  • Exploting(Testing) Episode

[Demo video]

  • Time lapse for Not-Trained, Trained and Tested Episodes

Combined Image