
A curated list of testing resources

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Awesome Testing Awesome

A curated list of testing software, extensions and resources


This is intended to be a curation of resources for the new among the software testing community. It is not tailored to a specific area (Usability/Performance) or role (Automation/Management). The idea is that you could hand this list to a CS graduate and it would greatly improve their testing skills, efficiency and overall breadth of knowledge. Note that this is for all areas of software testing after the code in question is written (no unit tests/static analysis!).

Finally, I'm sure everyone who reads this list has one thing they want to add. Please read the How to Contribute page and add to the list. :)




  • BeEF - Manipulate the browser exploiting any XSS vulns you find.
  • OWASP ZAP - This intercepting proxy allows you to see all HTTP traffic and manipulate it in real time. Easy to scan, catalog and exploit security issues.
  • Cookie Inspector - View and Edit Cookies easily using the developer tools pane.

Make your life easier

  • BareTail - Brings the tail linux command to Windows, coloured lines and REGEX search and loads of other features.
  • ProxySwitcher - We all have to mess with proxies, this makes it a lot easier when using Test/Prod/localhost proxies.
  • Full Page Screenshot - For when PrintScreen isn't big enough.
  • Form Filler - Large forms can be really irritating to fill out each time, speed it up with dummy data.
  • Bug Magnet - Suggests values based on the field type.
  • Check All - "Select All" is often not available. Why not bring your own?
  • MyWords - Handy extension that can be used to save common snippets (Jira tables, test data etc.) you use often for easy typing.
  • Xmind - The best (free) Mindmapping tool for documenting your tests.
  • TestLink - Open Source test case management system
  • Fluxguard - Screenshot pixel and DOM change comparisons and regressions.
  • recheck-web - Open Source change comparison tool with local Golden Masters, git-like ignore syntax and "unbreakable selenium" tests.
  • Kiwi TCMS - Open Source test case management system
  • Captura - Open Source video recording tool


  • Colour Blindness Simulator - Simulate all types of Colour Blindness instantly!
  • Yslow - Analyse why web pages are slow based on Yahoo!'s rules for performance.


Training (Includes developer training for automation testers)

  • Learn to Code - Another awesome list for developer training
  • The Dojo - Courses and talks directly from the testing community.
  • Guru99 - Learn by experience, a bit more fun than video training.
  • Coursera - Online courses from top universities.
  • Cybrary - Online free security training.
  • BBST Testing Courses - The famous Black Box Software Testing (BBST) courses are university level courses on Software Test Foundations, Bug Reporting and Test Design. These materials have been creative commons licensed for use by anyone. Includes articles, slides and video lectures.


Suggested Awesome Lists

Must Read

  • Falsehoods - A funny and educational list of why nothing in Software Development is ever easy. Think you can store a marriage in a DB?
  • Naughty Strings - This is the famous list of Naughty Strings. If you're doing some field validation, look no further for inspiration.
  • Unicode - A great resource for learning how unicode works and the issues it can cause.

Useful References

  • The Original - The awesome list of awesome lists.
  • Learn to Code - Learning to code, for those looking to make the move to automation
  • Application Security - Incredibly extensive, but you'll find something to fit the bill.
  • Selenium - Better than searching Google if you know what you want.
  • Security - This is mostly focused on Infrastructure, but if you're testing a series of systems, this is very useful.
  • Awesome Software Quality - A list of free software testing and verification resources.
  • Awesome Cucumber - A (relatively-newer) curated list of awesome Cucumber and Gherkin-related resources.
  • Awesome JMeter - A curated collection of resources around Apache JMeter.



See the Awesome Testing contribution guide for details on how to contribute.

Code of Conduct

See the Code of Conduct for details. Basically it comes down to:

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.



To the extent possible under law, the contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. See the license file for details.