tandemquast.py --nano test_data/simulated_reads.fasta test_data/simulated_polished.fa -o simulated_res
TandemTools package includes TandemQUAST tool for evaluating and improving assemblies of extra-long tandem repeats (ETR) and TandemMapper tool for mapping long error-prone reads to ETRs.
Note: TandemTools is designed specifically for ETR (range in length from hundreds of thousands to millions of nucleotides). It is strongly not recommended to run TandemTools on shorter TRs.
Requirements are listed in requirements.txt
and can be installed through Conda as conda install --file requirements.txt
tandemquast.py [options] --nano/--pacbio <reads_file> -o <output_dir> <assembly_file1> <assembly_file2>
Required arguments:
--nano PATH File with Oxford Nanopore reads used for ETR assembly
--pacbio PATH File with PacBio CLR reads used for ETR assembly
-o PATH Folder to store all result files
Optional arguments:
-t INT Maximum number of threads [default: 4]
-l \"label,label,...\" Human-readable names of assemblies to use in reports, comma-separated. If contain spaces, use quotes
-m PATH FASTA file with monomer sequences
--hifi PATH File with accurate PacBio HiFi reads
--only-polish Run tandemQUAST polishing module (metrics will not be calculated).
tandemmapper.py [options] --nano/--pacbio <reads_file> -o <output_dir> <assembly_file1> <assembly_file2>
Required arguments:
--nano PATH File with Oxford Nanopore reads used for ETR assembly
--pacbio PATH File with PacBio CLR reads used for ETR assembly
-o PATH Folder to store alignment results
Optional arguments:
-t INT Maximum number of threads [default: 4]
The following files are contained in <output_dir>
directory (specified by -o
) and include results
for all input assemblies. See TandemQUAST paper for the detailed explanation of different metrics.
- TandemMapper alignments in BED format
- TandemMapper alignments in SAM format
- plot of read coverage.
- plot of breakpoint ratio values
(see TandemQUAST paper for the details). The red peaks in this plot may correspond
to large-scale assembly errors.
- distribution of different types of
unique k-mers along the assembly. Each bar
shows the number of different types of k-mers in a bin of length 20 kb. The blue bars
represent single-clump k-mers. The high number of single-clump k-mers suggests the good
base-level quality of the assembly. The orange (multiple-clumps) and green (no-clumps) bars
suggest a low base-level quality in the region, caused by lack of polishing or an assembly error.
- distribution of different types of unique k-mers in TXT format.
- a dot plot comparing mappings for two assemblies
- a discordance plot showing coverage of two assemblies by discordant reads.
The peaks of coverage for one assembly suggest that this assembly is more "supported" by reads in this region than other assembly.
- an interactive HTML-page showing
monomer length distribution along the assembly.
- file with a list of HOR units.
Alla Mikheenko, Andrey V. Bzikadze, Alexey Gurevich, Karen H. Miga, and Pavel A. Pevzner. TandemMapper and TandemQUAST: mapping long reads and assessing/improving assembly quality in extra-long tandem repeats, 2019, bioRxiv
Please report any problems to the issue tracker. Alternatively, you can write directly to a.mikheenko@spbu.ru.