
Comparing Platforms

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Scripts for PacBio vs ONT platform comparison paper

Scripts used for data analysis are in scripts/ folder:

  • Aligned lengths analysis: aligned_lengths.py
  • Aligned lengths analysis (Smith-Waterman alignment): sw_alignment.py
  • Errors analysis: compare_error_rate.py
  • K-mer identity analysis: kmer_stats.py
  • TSS/Poly-A sites analysis: find_tss_polya.py
  • Intron chains comparison: compare_introns.py
  • Alternative splicing analysis: alt_splicing.py
  • Analysis of introns w/respect to read quality: intron_chain_q.py and intron_splice_quality.py

Scripts located in the root directory:

  • Assign reads to isoforms: assign_reads_to_isoforms.py
  • Correct spliced alignments: correct_spliced_alignments.py
  • Convert GTF to gffutils database: gtf2db.py