- 2
completion not working
#37 opened by cneira - 8
- 2
Missing explicit declaration of dependency ivy
#39 opened by p3r7 - 1
Cannot find cout on OSX 10.12
#38 opened by rnikoopour - 1
Filter tags in moo-jump-local
#36 opened by gperaza - 2
Error: unexpected tag when trying to jump to a certain function in the list displayed by moo-jump-local
#35 opened by emacsuser123 - 4
Error when executing fa-jump or fa-show
#34 opened by emacsuser123 - 0
Pointers in function arguments
#33 opened by jdahm - 1
- 1
- 19
- 1
fa-show displays while in function body?
#30 opened by zhro - 3
fa-show reports 'Wrong type argument'?
#28 opened by zhro - 6
show also function description with M-i
#26 opened by xianbinKit - 5
fa-show overlay display issue
#25 opened by ryan-maus - 1
`function-args.el` should require `swiper`
#24 opened by dholm - 12
- 2
- 1
function-args can only show one pointer level
#21 opened by tuhdo - 7
conflict with global-srecode-minor-mode
#18 opened by zijianyue - 13
moo-jump-local should display tags in tree format
#19 opened by tuhdo - 5
- 1
- 6
- 9
Add fuzzy matching for Helm commands
#17 opened by tuhdo - 2
function-args does not support C mode
#16 opened by tuhdo - 2
- 1
Add headers to moo-jump-local
#14 opened by tuhdo - 0
Integrate function-args with Semantic Clang
#10 opened by tuhdo - 4
Automatically activate fa-show
#12 opened by tuhdo - 0
Add fa-show support for moo-complete
#3 opened by tuhdo - 2
Add body insertion for virtual/orerriden functions
#11 opened by tuhdo - 4
Error when using with "which-function-mode"
#9 opened by tuhdo - 7
Function argument completion
#1 opened by tuhdo - 3
moo-complete provides candidates not in scope
#8 opened by tuhdo - 4
- 1
Using moo-complete with user defined types
#5 opened by andreiltd - 1
- 1
Add to MELPA
#2 opened by tuhdo