Capacitor Youtube Player is a custom Native Capacitor plugin to show Youtube Player on Web, IOS and Android platforms.
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Unable to Build APK in Capacitor 5 due to YouTube Player API Fragment Issue
#231 opened by arpitraykar - 0
Issue with running plugin on Capacitor 5
#224 opened by nohwolde - 4
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Native video list not working
#168 opened by zawmn - 1
Update to capacitor 4
#169 opened by josuelmm - 7
How to play videos in full screen?
#72 opened by gassan - 1
Exposed Google API keys
#158 opened by rsgyan - 0
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Android Youtube Player events
#153 opened by lauchacarro - 2
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Review the web methods definition
#101 opened by abritopach - 0
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Not possible to control the player ?
#33 opened by fritsc3 - 2
Adding multiple players in same page
#15 opened by paishin - 2
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Add configurable fullscreen mode option in iOS
#80 opened by abritopach - 0
Missing .jar dependency
#75 opened by abritopach - 1
Support for Capacitor 2.X
#31 opened by aces-tm - 1
Plugin Won't Run in a real Device
#24 opened by basher2 - 5
Capacitor does not work in device
#26 opened by uvconnects - 0
Two App Icons are present
#21 opened by Chandrasekar-G - 2
Release build fails
#18 opened by Chandrasekar-G - 2
BuildConfig not found
#11 opened by alexlarraga1 - 6
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Youtube Player events
#5 opened by danielv6987 - 0
Add debug / verbose mode
#6 opened by abritopach - 3
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not working IOS 13.1
#3 opened by KyDenZ - 2
More example/details required for using Capacitor Youtube API with Ionic 4 for Android and iOS app
#2 opened by Madhulika08 - 2
plugin does not build with IOS 11
#1 opened by ssossou