
Pathfinder is a project to be used to learn about pathfinding algorithms (based on grid maps).

Primary LanguageJava


Pathfinder is a project to be used to learn about pathfinding algorithms (based on grid maps). It uses an user interface to provide interaction with pathfinding algorithms:

  • load map (supported file formats: bmp, png, jpeg, wbmp, gif, pgm),
  • save map (supported file formats: bmp),
  • change the position of the start node,
  • change the position of the end node,
  • ... .

Currently supported algorithms

  • Breadth-First-Search
  • Dijkstra
  • Greedy-Breadth-First-Search
  • A-Star


Running the example

If you want to see an user interface, type the following:

javac *.java
java PathFinder

Examples of maps are located under maps directory ([*] http://pr.willowgarage.com/data/maps/).