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We are hiring programmers on our team. There are 10 candidates, and we need to choose 3 of them. In the program you are given, you have 10 candidates in a hash set. You need to take 3 names as input, add them to a new hiring hash set and check if they are present in our candidates set. If they are, the program should output "Starting hiring process", otherwise, "Something is wrong".
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A racing video game has 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Each difficulty level is assigned maximum time to complete the track: the higher the difficulty, the lower the time. The program you are given defines Player class and Difficulty enum, and creates 3 Player objects with different difficulties as parameter for the constructor. Complete the Player constructor, which takes the enum as a parameter to check the time for each difficulty option and outputs the corresponding message: Easy => "You have 3 minutes 45 seconds" Medium = > "You have 3 minutes 20 seconds" Hard => "You have 3 minutes"
There are 5 students in a class, and each needs to score at least 70 points to pass the exam. The program you are given defines the sorted list and stores the names of the students as keys and the corresponding scores as values. Complete the program to show the results of the exam.
الاختبار العملي الأول - مقرر البرمجة المتقدمة
الاختبار النهائي - مقرر البرمجة المتقدمة
Dive into TypeScript, an influential language for web development. Discover how Angular and Nest JS unite to create large scale JavaScript applications.
A coffee shop manager is running a promotion and wants to offer a discount for coffee drinks. The program you are given takes the discount value as input and defines a dictionary, where the names of the coffee drinks are set as keys, and their prices are set as values. Write a program to discount all of the prices and output a new price list in the format shown below.
هذا المشروع المقصد منه جمع الأمثال الشعبية كلها مو
Responsive web design is the practice of building websites that can adapt to every device and every screen size. During this course, we will learn how to build modern, responsive websites using HTML and CSS. As our course project, we will build a website from scratch and, as a bonus, we will add some functionality to it using JavaScript at the end of the course!
abu18saud's Repositories
This is NestJS Project
Responsive web design is the practice of building websites that can adapt to every device and every screen size. During this course, we will learn how to build modern, responsive websites using HTML and CSS. As our course project, we will build a website from scratch and, as a bonus, we will add some functionality to it using JavaScript at the end of the course!
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, and animation much simpler. All the power of jQuery is accessed via JavaScript, so having a strong grasp of JavaScript is essential for understanding, structuring, and debugging your code.
Learn all the basic features of JavaScript, including making your website more interactive, changing website content, validating forms, and so much more.
A coffee shop manager is running a promotion and wants to offer a discount for coffee drinks. The program you are given takes the discount value as input and defines a dictionary, where the names of the coffee drinks are set as keys, and their prices are set as values. Write a program to discount all of the prices and output a new price list in the format shown below.
We are hiring programmers on our team. There are 10 candidates, and we need to choose 3 of them. In the program you are given, you have 10 candidates in a hash set. You need to take 3 names as input, add them to a new hiring hash set and check if they are present in our candidates set. If they are, the program should output "Starting hiring process", otherwise, "Something is wrong".
The program you are given defines a metals dictionary, where names are used as keys and their price for 1 gram as values. It takes the name and the price of 5th metal as input. Add the 5th pair to the dictionary and write code to output the message about the most expensive metal in the dictionary.
Write a program that will take 3 numbers as input and store them in a defined queue. Also, add code to output the sorted sequence of elements in the queue, separated by a space.
The program you are given defines the evenNums stack and pushes 3 even numbers (6, 8 and 4) onto it. The 4th number is taken from the user and also pushed. But we need to check whether it is also an even number. Complete the program to perform that check process, and if the last pushed number N isn't even, remove it from stack and output "N: Removed" (see sample output). At the end, output all the elements of the stack, separated by spaces.
There are 5 students in a class, and each needs to score at least 70 points to pass the exam. The program you are given defines the sorted list and stores the names of the students as keys and the corresponding scores as values. Complete the program to show the results of the exam.
You need to write a program for the game to sort player scores. The program you are given takes N number as input, which represents the number of players, and defines a score list. Complete the program to take N count of numbers (the scores) as input, store them in a scores list, sort and output them, each separated by a space.
The class Elems creates a 3-sized array of integers, defines Add() and Show() methods to store the elements into the array, and shows them separated by a space. Modify the class to make it generic to execute the same actions with string type, given in the Main function.
You are writing a program that can output the value of a variable of any type. It takes a string, an integer, and a double value as input and then it should output them. Create a generic method Print for a Printer class to execute the given calls correctly.
You have a robot-barman and his goal is to neatly arrange drinks on the shelves of the bar. He is very smart and takes as many drinks as are necessary to evenly distribute them on the shelves, but he still has problems with division. The program installed in the robot takes the number of drinks and the number of the shelves as input. Complete the program to evenly distribute the drinks on shelves: by dividing the number of drinks by the number of shelves and outputting the result. The program must also, handle those two possible problems: 1. the divider (the number of shelves) should never be zero 2. both inputs should be integers. For the first exception, the program should output "At least 1 shelf" and for the second, "Please insert an integer".
A tour operator offers package holidays in England, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France. The program you are given defines an array with those options and takes N number as input. Write a program to output the package option with N index. If the number is out of range, program should output "Wrong number". Regardless of the option results, the program should output "Goodbye" at the end.
A racing video game has 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Each difficulty level is assigned maximum time to complete the track: the higher the difficulty, the lower the time. The program you are given defines Player class and Difficulty enum, and creates 3 Player objects with different difficulties as parameter for the constructor. Complete the Player constructor, which takes the enum as a parameter to check the time for each difficulty option and outputs the corresponding message: Easy => "You have 3 minutes 45 seconds" Medium = > "You have 3 minutes 20 seconds" Hard => "You have 3 minutes"
A cuboid is a three-dimensional shape with a length, width, and a height. The program you are given takes takes those dimensions as inputs, defines Cuboid struct and creates its object. Complete the program by creating a constructor, which will take the length, the width, and the height as parameters and assign them to its struct members. Also complete Volume() and Perimeter() methods inside the struct, to calculate and return them, so that the given methods calls work correctly.
You are creating a drawing application and currently have only 1 tool - a pencil. You want to add brush and spray to the drawing toolbar. The program you are given declares an IDraw interface with the StartDraw() method, and class Draw, which performs pencil drawing by implementing the IDraw interface. It outputs "Using pencil". Complete the given Brush and Spray classes by - inheriting them from class Draw - implementing the StartDraw() method for each tool, in order to output "Using brush" for Brush, or "Using spray" for Spray. The Draw objects and their method calls are provided in Main().
On the car dealership website, you can pre-order a car by specifying its color and equipment. The program you are given takes the color and the equipment type as input and pass them to constructor of already declared Car class. Implement IColor and IEquipment interfaces for the Car class and reimplement their GetColor and GetEquipment methods inside it. Each of them should output corresponding message about color/equipment (see sample output).
Tom, Bob and James have 2,3 and 4 apples accordingly. The given program should equally redistribute the apples among them, but something is wrong. Fix the program.
You are an elementary school teacher and explaining multiplication to students. You are going to use multiplication by 3 as your example. The program you are given takes N number as input. Write a program to output all numbers from 1 to N, replacing all numbers that are multiples of 3 by "*".
The program you are given defines abstract class Figure and derives Rectangle and Triangle classes from it. Add an abstract method Perimeter to class Figure, than override it in derived classes to calculate perimeters of already created Rectangle and Triangle objects. Hint Perimeter of rectangle with width w and height h => 2*w+2*h. Perimeter of triangle with sides s1, s2, s3 => s1+s2+s3.
You are the airport administrator responsible for setting flight statuses. At first the flight program was showing only "Registration" and "Closed" statuses, but we need to expand it to give more detailed information. Derive WayStatus class from Flight class and complete its 1. constructor, to output "On the way" 2. destructor, to output "Landed" so that the program correctly outputs all the statuses of the flight.
The program you are given takes an account number and its balance as input. It defines Account class with 1 member balance and derives User class from it with 1 additional member - the account number, then creates a user object and tries to store the balance and account number in it, and shows the details. But something is wrong. Fix the program so that it completes the User() constructor, which should assign the parameters to the corresponding members of the User class. Also, check the access modifier of balance member of Account class.
The program you are given takes the brand and model of the car as input, and defines a Vehicle class with model property and ShowModel() method. Complete the Car class to inherit the Vehicle class, and add the Model property and ShowModel() method so that the given method call of the car object works correctly (see sample output).
In a ballroom dancing competition, each dancer from a pair is evaluated separately, and then their points are summed up to get the total pair score. The program you are given takes the names and the points of each dancer as input and creates a DancerPoints objects for each dancer, using the taken name and score values as parameters for constructors. Complete the given class, using overload + operator to return an new object where the names of dancers are in one string (see sample output) and the score is equal to the sum of their points. The declaration of that object and the output of its points are already written in Main().