Use open openGL shader pipeline to implement MVP matrix and projection.
- Press p/P to switch Ortho mode/ Perspective mode.
- Press t/T to set Translate mode.
- Press s/S to set Scale mode.
- Press r/R to set Rotate mode.
- Press e/E to set Camera Eyes mode.
- Press -> / <- to change the selecting object.
- Press l/L to increase x-axis value, j/J to decrease x-axis value.
- Press i/I to increase y-axis value, k/K to decrease y-axis value.
- Press m/M to increase z-axis value, o/O to decrease z-axis value.
- Press 6 to increase x-axis camera eyes.
- Press 4 to decrease x-axis camera eyes.
- Press 8 to increase y-axis camera eyes.
- Press 2 to decrease y-axis camera eyes.
- Press the left button and drag the objects to translate.
- Press the right button and drag the objects to rotate.
- Roll the middle button and drag the objects to scale.
- Press 5 to reset objects.
- Press h to get help information.
- Press c/C to clear the terminal.