Python library to read the DHT series of humidity and temperature sensors on a Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black.
- 2
- 12
- 1
Error on
#57 opened by bfpnascimento - 4
Incorrect board version detected
#75 opened by greenscientist - 3
Pi Zero w support
#79 opened by error0327 - 4
Semaphore not finding library
#106 opened by lpuv - 6
Cable Length Causes incorrect DHT11 Readings
#110 opened by Brets0150 - 1
- 12
4.9.11+ - Unkown platform
#61 opened by retikulumx - 3
- 1
Google Authentication Error
#90 opened by JohnFodero - 1
import errors in
#112 opened by songdingxx - 4 fails to install with error "TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (4 given)"
#89 opened by DoctorOctagonapus - 2
Declare sensor dinamically
#86 opened by dade80vr - 2
hello...I try to install python library of dht11 on raspberry pi but it appear no route to host?what is the problem?please help me...
#105 opened by farhanah96 - 7
- 1
Hi, I am using senseHat sensor instead of DHT. so how will this platform_detect file different? I was finding for it but there is no direct file for senseHat platform detect. Please help
#80 opened by ChanCmt - 1
Can't install on RPI3
#83 opened by FireBelow - 2
- 5
Can't Read Two Sensor
#73 opened by aliumairs - 10
- 2
- 2 show higher temp
#93 opened by deffrak - 10
Raspberry Pi 3 and Adafruit_Python_DHT
#44 opened by tcalbrecht - 2
Installation failure on Windows 10
#103 opened by KyleKotowick - 4
pip package looks broken
#102 opened by Vanuan - 19
- 5
Problem witch installing
#96 opened by pht31337 - 4
Broken link in ez_setup
#92 opened by terminal3 - 6
Raspberry 1 pi model B uncompatible with AM2302
#52 opened by yagarea - 3
Import error in code
#69 opened by ronniejo134 - 1
Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5, Mar 21 2017, 17:54:52) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> RESTART: C:\Users\Walter\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\MUS CONTROL with Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Walter\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\MUS CONTROL with", line 21, in <module> humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(Adafruit_DHT.AM2302, 4) AttributeError: module 'Adafruit_DHT' has no attribute 'read_retry' >>>
#70 opened by Walter1White - 3
can not support RPi 3B
#59 opened by junerver - 2
Update for RPi3
#60 opened by sisamiwe - 3
PyPi out of date?
#74 opened by PeteLawler - 2
Use tags to do releases
#62 opened by SEJeff - 2
Issues when running
#51 opened by mB-PiBox - 27
Update Adafruit_Python_DHT library in Pypi
#77 opened by jesusiglesias - 2
- 25
- 3
- 2
Python3: No attribute 'read_retry'
#68 opened by TTN- - 1 throws errors
#66 opened by sacrophyte - 0
What's the number of gpio in this?
#64 opened by AneGithub - 2
DHT11 RPI Negative Values not parsed / displayed
#53 opened by etlmwwn - 1
Hi, i can't get decimal values using DHT11
#49 opened by anibol - 1
No precision digit for DHT11
#47 opened by ezar - 3
Can accessing gpio with sudo, still have Make sure program is run as root with sudo
#40 opened by amiceli - 3
Create compatibility with Jython?
#41 opened by ApprovedTOPKEK - 1
OrangePi support?
#43 opened by cascafico