A script that will install all of the common dependencies for testing Arduino library builds using Github Actions
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add ch552 support
#188 opened by jepler - 5
- 4
CI is grabbing ESP32 pre-releases
#169 opened by ayushsharma82 - 2
Ensuring the CI process is documented for Adafruit Learning System guide authors
#165 opened by TheKitty - 1
- 1
Recently broken/outdated?
#147 opened by Aypac - 2
Not working with Arduino IDE version 2.x
#148 opened by Aypac - 1
gh-pages gets pushed to from branches
#79 opened by evaherrada - 3
For your consideration: Enabling unit tests on Travis CI using a different CI script
#20 opened by ianfixes - 8
Dox not building when using src folder
#112 opened by caternuson - 3
- 2
- 1
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- 1
- 0
- 1
Adafruit_Test_Library link depreciated ?
#62 opened by BenoitAnastay - 5
- 3
Include/exclude tested sources
#55 opened by suculent - 5
- 2
- 3
- 25
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Use hourly Arduino IDE and esp8266 from git
#13 opened by probonopd - 2
Increase Warning Level from compilation
#5 opened by chatelao - 2
Unable to install ESP8266* libraries
#15 opened by Natim - 2
Travis CI today
#11 opened by thinkyhead - 4
- 4
Allow Arduino Version as a parameter
#4 opened by chatelao - 1
Sample with local library includes (#include "sample.h") fail with "multiple definition of" warning and linker error
#6 opened by chatelao