Inspired by sack
Do you like to search through code using ag, ack, grep, or pt? Good! This tool is for you! Zoom adds some convenience to ag/ack/grep/pt by allowing you to quickly open your search results in your editor of choice. When looking at large code-bases, it can be a pain to have to scroll to find the filename of each result. Zoom prints a tag number in front of each result that ag/ack/grep/pt outputs. Then you can quickly open that tag number with Zoom to jump straight to the source. Zoom is even persistent across all your sessions! You can search in one terminal and jump to a tag in another terminal from any directory!
Open a terminal and run the following:
$ gem install ruby-zoom
Or install from source:
$ git clone
$ cd zoom
$ bundle install && rake install
If using the grep operator, you need to install homebrew and then run the following commands before using Zoom:
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew install grep
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s $(which ggrep) grep
$ echo "export PATH=~/bin:$PATH" >>~/.bashrc
You can use Zoom basically the same way you use ag/ack/grep/pt. Try the following command for more info:
$ z --help
If you encounter any errors, most Zoom exceptions should be fixable by running:
$ z --rc
WARNING: This resets all your settings!
If you are still having issues, please create a GitLab issue.
Zoom prefixes shortcut tags to ag/ack/grep/pt's search results! If you use Zoom to search for "ScoobyDoo" in the Zoom source directory, you would see something like the following:
$ z scoobydoo
[1] 8: gem "scoobydoo"
[2] 4: if ((o == "ack") && ScoobyDoo.where_are_you("ack-grep"))
[3] 2: require "scoobydoo"
[4] 24: return op if (ScoobyDoo.where_are_you(op))
[5] 33: if (ScoobyDoo.where_are_you(op))
[6] 2: require "scoobydoo"
[7] 143: op = ScoobyDoo.where_are_you(o)
[8] 2: require "scoobydoo"
[9] 20: if (ScoobyDoo.where_are_you(args))
[10] 3: require "scoobydoo"
[11] 68: e = ScoobyDoo.where_are_you(ed)
[12] 76: e = ScoobyDoo.where_are_you(e)
[13] 77: e = ScoobyDoo.where_are_you("vi") if (e.nil?)
[14] 33: s.add_runtime_dependency("scoobydoo", "~> 0.1", ">= 0.1.4")
Now you can jump to result 7 with the following commands:
$ z --go 7
If you're using Vim as your editor, then you can use <leader>z
open the quickfix window, which will contain a list of the tags you
specified. You can also use zn
to go to the next tag and zp
to go
to the previous.
When you perform a search with Zoom, all results are cached. Using the following commands will allow you to see the previous search results again:
$ z --cache
This means your tags/shortcuts are persistent across all sessions. You can use other terminals to view your search results or to open them in an editor.
Profiles allow you to create shortcuts to your favorite commands. Some profiles are created for you when you first run Zoom. Use the following command to list your profiles:
$ z --list
These profiles do not need to be limited to ag/ack/grep/pt shortcuts.
Note: The find
profile is "special" and should return a list of
If you want to create your own custom profile classes, you can simply
define your classes in ~/.config/zoom/
# list_profile.rb
class ListProfile < Zoom::Profile
# You can redefine this method if you want, or leave it out to
# accept the default functionality.
# def exe(args, pattern)
# end
def initialize(
name = nil,
operator = nil,
flags = nil,
before = nil, # Env vars, such as PATH
after = nil # Follow up commands or redirection
after ||= "2>/dev/null"
flags ||= "--color -AFhl"
operator ||= "ls"
super(name, operator, flags, before, after)
@taggable = false # Don't tag results (defaults to false)
# hello_profile.rb
class HelloProfile < Zoom::Profile
def initialize(
name = nil,
operator = nil,
flags = nil,
before = nil, # Env vars, such as PATH
after = nil # Follow up commands or redirection
after ||= "Hello world!"
operator ||= "echo"
super(name, operator, flags, before, after)
@taggable = false # Don't tag results (defaults to false)
# search_profile.rb
class SearchProfile < Zoom::Profile
def initialize(
name = nil,
operator = nil,
flags = nil,
before = nil, # Env vars, such as PATH
after = nil # Follow up commands or redirection
flags ||= "--case-insensitive"
operator ||= "some_search_tool"
super(name, operator, flags, before, after)
@format_flags = "--color=never -EHInRs" # Mirror grep output
@taggable = true
def translate(from)
to =
from.each do |flag, value|
case flag
when "ignore"
# Translate to ignore flag for this operator
when "word-regexp"
# Translate to word-regexp flag for this operator
return to.join(" ")
# sec_profile.rb
class SecProfile < Zoom::SecurityProfile
def initialize(
name = nil,
operator = nil,
flags = nil,
before = nil, # Env vars, such as PATH
after = nil # Follow up commands or redirection
# Only need the case statement if you don't want the default
# flags
case Zoom::ProfileManager.default_profile
when /^ack(-grep)?$/
flags ||= "ack_flags_here"
when "ag"
flags ||= "ag_flags_here"
when "grep"
flags ||= "grep_flags_here"
when "pt"
flags ||= "pt_flags_here"
super(name, nil, flags, before, after)
@taggable = true
If you find it tedious to use Zoom with the flags, there are currently 5 convience symlinks that are supported.
is the same asz --cache
orz -c
is the same asz --find
is the same asz --go
orz -g
is the same asz --list
orz -l
is the same asz --repeat
orz -r
You can also symlink zoom to a profile name in order to quickly execute favorite profiles.
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s z test
$ ./test # same as 'z --use test'
Zoom allows to you create profiles for commands other than
ag/ack/grep/pt. This may make Zoom a friendly tool for Penetration
Testers or Security Researchers who are looking for a simple way to
store exploits. I've included some example profiles for searching for
hard-coded passwords or unsafe C/Java/Javascript/PHP/Python code.
These profiles are not created by default with z --rc
. To create
them run z --secprofs
These profiles have a hard-coded pattern so if you want to change the regex used, you can run the following command to change the code:
$ gem open ruby-zoom
Navigate to lib/zoom/profile
directory and select a profile to make
changes. If you want the revert your changes, run the following
$ gem pristine ruby-zoom
Zoom currently works with:
- vim (provides the best zoom experience)
- emacs
- nano
- pico
- jpico
- any editor with
as an option in it's man page
What is ag?
ag is a faster version of ack!
What is ack?
ack is the replacement for grep!
What is pt?
pt is a code search tool similar to ack and ag!
What is grep?
If you don't know what grep is, this probably isn't the tool for you. You should learn how to properly use grep before using a tool such as Zoom which attempts to streamline the process for you.
For some simple zsh completion with Zoom, you can add the following to
your ~/.zshrc
compdef _gnu_generic z zc zf zg zl zr
- Need to test to see if any ag/ack/grep flags break functionality
- In the meantime, Ag/Ack/Grep/Pt profiles have sane default flags
- RDoc