- 1
- 10
Android build duplicated class
#13 opened by marvpaul - 2
validation on upload to store gives "UnityFramework.framework contains disallowed file"
#12 opened by marvpaul - 1
#11 opened by marvpaul - 4
Adapty SDK Unity
#10 opened by marvpaul - 6
#9 opened by shohinsherov - 12
Collides with Appsflyer Plugin
#8 opened by efeurun - 3
Product.Price localization is based on device's settings region, not AppStore region
#6 opened by AytoMaximo - 1
Installation instruction incorrect
#4 opened by bakwc - 3
Failed to invoke callback System.Action
#5 opened by OlegGrizzly - 1
FR Unity 2019.4 LTS support
#2 opened by smakarov - 2 outdated
#3 opened by Watcher3056