
AARCH64 Support

Opened this issue · 2 comments

My initial analysis suggests that we only need to start using opencv arm rules (or pull in the binaries)...
Other than that, all targets already support arm. Let's just push through this, so that we're done once and for all.

cc/ @sidor926 can you take a lead on this?

Will work on this along with #34

Update -

root@25a4ac59be1b:~/outdoor_slam_ros2# bazelisk build ...
ERROR: /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/cd02400566e20f8639eace29e76364c7/external/opencv/BUILD:36:12: configurable attribute "content" in @opencv//:cv_cpu_config.h doesn't match this configuration. Would a default condition help?

Conditions checked:

To see a condition's definition, run: bazel query --output=build <condition label>.

This instance of @opencv//:cv_cpu_config.h has configuration identifier e60975a. To inspect its configuration, run: bazel config e60975a.

For more help, see

INFO: Repository qhull instantiated at:
  /root/outdoor_slam_ros2/WORKSPACE:67:13: in <toplevel>
Repository rule http_archive defined at:
  /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/cd02400566e20f8639eace29e76364c7/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/http.bzl:372:31: in <toplevel>
INFO: Repository ffmpeg instantiated at:
  /root/outdoor_slam_ros2/WORKSPACE:150:15: in <toplevel>
  /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/cd02400566e20f8639eace29e76364c7/external/com_github_mjbots_bazel_deps/tools/workspace/default.bzl:99:26: in add_default_repositories
  /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/cd02400566e20f8639eace29e76364c7/external/com_github_mjbots_bazel_deps/tools/workspace/ffmpeg/repository.bzl:292:23: in ffmpeg_repository
Repository rule _ffmpeg_repository defined at:
  /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/cd02400566e20f8639eace29e76364c7/external/com_github_mjbots_bazel_deps/tools/workspace/ffmpeg/repository.bzl:279:37: in <toplevel>
ERROR: Analysis of target '//dwsl/variot:img_pub_cc' failed; build aborted:
INFO: Elapsed time: 27.650s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (80 packages loaded, 17610 targets configured)

This needs to be solved. Following is a potential solution -

  • Remove pulling in building the opencv inside the bazel workspace
  • write a shell script that isntalls opencv system wide and then make Bazel use the path usr/local/lib or whatevs
  • and the BUILD file would look something simple like this just globb-ing whatever's needed
    name = "opencv",
    hdrs = glob(["include/opencv4/*/.h*"]),
    includes = ["include/opencv4"],
    linkopts = ["-lopencv_core", "-lopencv_imgproc", "-lopencv_highgui"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],