
Course Project (ECE 532) - Classiscal Pong Game on Xillinx FPGA

Primary LanguageVHDL



Course Project (ECE 532) - Classiscal Pong Game on Xillinx FPGA that uses a camera to control the position of the players' racquets.


Aditya Srichandan Haoran Wei Harsimrat Singh Wadhawan Yashraj Singh Dhillon


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Repository Overview

Brief Overview

Software stored in the sw directory. Hardware stored in the hw directory. Image Processing project stored in the img directory.


assets - Static images.

game_source_pc - SDL based Pong game source for PC.

hw - HDMI system hardware project.

img - Image processing system hardware project.

repo - Directory used by Vivado for caching and databasing.

src - Main HDMI system and game source code.

.gitignore - Contains various ignored files to stop this repository from being populated with large synthesized caches.


1. Vivado 2016.4
2. Xilinx SDK 2016.4

Optional Requirements

SDL Game Simulation

  1. MinGW 7.3.0 (Minimalist GNU for Windows 7.3.0 i686-posix-dwarf-rev0) Click Here to Download

How to build the SDL game

  1. Clone this repository to a suitable location.
  2. CD into the game_source_pc directory of this repository.
  3. Open a terminal in the game_source_pc directory.
  4. In the terminal, execute the following command: gcc -Isrc/include -Lsrc/lib -o main main.c -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2
  5. An application called main.exe will be generated which can be executed to play the game.

How to setup the Vivado project (Hardware)

Open the hw/HDMI.xpr file in Vivado 2016.4 for modifying the hardware project.

How to setup the Xilinx SDK project (Software)

  1. Clone this repository to a suitable location on your PC.
  2. Open the Xilinx SDK.
  3. Create a new workspace at a suitable location on your PC.
  4. Click on File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace. Fig. 1
  5. Enter the location of the sw directory in the root directory textbox. Fig. 1
  6. Click Finish.

Running the project on the board.

  1. Click on Xilinx Tools > Program FPGA.
  2. Choose hdmi_wrapper_hw_platform_0 for the hardware platform. Fig. 1
  3. Click Program.
  4. Run the program by creating a debug configuraation by clicking on the green play button.
  5. Connect to the Nexys Video board using a terminal.
  6. Enter '1' into the terminal to launch the game.