
ZED SDK Example projects

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


The ZED SDK 3.5 has been released ! Check out our changelog to see all the available features and bug fixes.

You will find the download links below:

CUDA 11.1

ZED SDK for Windows 10 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 20 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 18 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 16 3.5.0

CUDA 11.0

ZED SDK for Windows 10 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 20 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 18 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 16 3.5.0

CUDA 10.2

ZED SDK for Windows 10 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 18 3.5.0

ZED SDK for Ubuntu 16 3.5.0


ZED SDK for JetPack 4.5 3.5.0 (Jetson Nano, TX2, TX2 NX, Xavier AGX/NX, CUDA 10.2)

ZED SDK for JetPack 4.4 3.5.0 (Jetson Nano, TX2, Xavier AGX/NX, CUDA 10.2)

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