Pass is awesome. And these extensions make it even more so! This is a collection of awesome password-store extensions and interfaces.
Additions and improvements are welcome! Please make pull-requests.
- pass-age (by taylorskalyo): A simple pass extension for displaying password age. (There are two extensions with this name; this one shows the time of the last git commit.)
- pass-age (by tijn): A pass extension to show you how long you are using a certain password. (There are two extensions with this name; this one shows the last time when the first line in a password file changed.)
- pass-audit (by benburwell): A pass extension for checking whether your passwords may be compromised. (There are two extensions with this name; this one checks Have I Been Pwned as well as a local wordlist file.)
- pass-audit (by roddhjav): A pass extension for auditing your password repository. (There are two extensions with this name; this one checks Have I Been Pwned and estimates password strength using Dropbox' zxcvbn algorithm.)
- pass-hibp: A pass extension that queries the API.
- pass-pwned (by alzeih): Password-Store extension for Have I Been Pwned? Pwned Passwords v2 API.
- pass-pwned (by jamesridgway): Password-Store extension for Have I Been Pwned? Pwned Passwords v2 API or an offline password hash file of your choosing.
- pass-report: A pass extension that reports age and length of passwords.
- pass-clip: A pass extension that lets you quickly copy to clipboard passwords using fzf or rofi.
- pass-extension-pclip: Copies meta data into primary clipboard.
- pass-extension-wclip: a plugin to use wclip on Windows.
- pass-sclip: A pass extension to copy to screen's paste buffer.
- pass-cl: password-store extension to copy metadata from multi-line entries.
- pass-extension-copyq: A pass extension that copies a stored password using copyq.
- pass-extension-meta: password-store extension to retrieve meta-data properties from password files.
- pass-extension-tail: A pass extension to avoid printing the password to the console.
- pass-file (by dvogt23): A pass extension that allows to add files to password-store.
- pass-file (by lukrop): A pass extension for adding arbitrary files to the password store.
- pass-import: a generic importer tool from other password managers.
- pass-gen: A command-line utility that generates secure, pronounceable passphrases for pass. (It won't add a new pass command but can be used seamlessly with pass.)
- pass-genphrase: Passphrase generator extension for pass, the password manager.
- pass-qr: A pass extension that lets you quickly generate a QR code for passwords using fzf or rofi.
- pass-ssh: A pass extension that lets you quickly create ssh keypairs and output public keys using fzf or rofi.
- pass-totp: TOTP code generator for pass.
- pass-backup: makes making a time-stamped backup simple and easy.
- pass-botp: A pass extension for managing TOTP Backup Codes.
- pass-extension-inc: A unix pass extension for incremental search.
- pass-grave: helps you hide all meta-data by placing the whole tree of passwords inside an encrypted grave (like pass-tomb but simpler and more lightweight).
- pass-keybase: A pass extension to re-encrypt and decrypt pass entries via keybase.
- pass-mount: A pass extension for mounting encrypted filesystems.
- pass-otp: support for one-time-password (OTP) tokens.
- pass-tomb: helps you to keep the whole tree of password encrypted inside a tomb.
- pass-update: an easy flow for updating passwords.
- alfred-pass: Alfred integration
- Android-Password-Store: Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application.
- browserpass: Chrome & Firefox browser extension for pass.
- gnome-pass-search-provider: Pass password manager search provider for gnome-shell.
- gopass-tui: Terminal UI for pass/gopass.
- krunner-pass: Integrates krunner (KDE) with pass.
- ob-pass-menu: Openbox pipe-menu script that generates an xml menu based on zx2c4-pass storage.
- pass-alfred: Alfred integration
- pass-companion: Chrome/Chromium browser extension for pass.
- pass-zsh-completion: pass zsh completion plugin.
- pass.applescript: OS X integration
- Pass for macOS macOS wrapper and Safari extension.
- passff: zx2c4 pass manager extension for Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
- passforios: Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application.
- PassHUD: A HUD-style interface for pass on macOS.
- passman: A dmenu frontend for password-store.
- passwordstore: Ansible lookup plugin to manage passwords with password-store.
- pidgin-zx2c4-pass: Plugin that allows to use zx2c4 pass to store passwords (for pidgin).
- rofi-pass: A bash script to handle Simple Password Store in a convenient way using rofi.
- simple-pass-alfred: Alfred integration
- tmux-pass: Quick password-store browser with preview using fzf in tmux.
- vim-password-store: Vim niceties for password store.
These scripts are not extensions but they can be very useful nontheless.
- 1password2pass.rb: Import 1Password txt or 1pif data
- firefox_decrypt: Full blown Firefox password interface which supports exporting to pass
- Import Figaro's Password Manager XML data
- gorilla2pass.rb: Import Password Gorilla data
- Import Ked Password Manager data
- Import Keepass2 CSV data
- Import Keepass2 XML data
- Import KeepassX XML data
- Import KWallet data
- lastpass2pass.rb: Import Lastpass CSV data
- Import password-exporter data
- Import PWSafe data (python version)
- Import PWSafe data
- Import Revelation Password Manager data
- roboform2pass.rb: Import Roboform data