
Rover Simulation in ROS and Gazebo

Primary LanguagePython


Gazebo and ROS simulation of Rover


  • Gaurav Raut - M.Eng. Robotics student.
  • Advait Patole - Graduate student at University of Maryland pursuing M.Eng. Robotics.


License: MIT

Simulation Video Link https://youtu.be/IoMEVCYC8AU

Package Github link https://github.com/advaitp/rover

Instructions to run the package

To start the simulation and the spawn the rover in the gazebo world

roslaunch rover rover.launch

Run the teleop node to send the rover near the object

rosrun rover diff_teleop.py

To pickup the object

rosrun rover arm_control.py 3 4

To move the arm to top position in order to drop it at other position

rosrun rover arm_control.py 1 5