
Do you wish to find oriC(s) in plasmids and chromosomes? You might want to give this a try!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Predicting oriC in plasmids and chromosomes.

See ../oriC/APInotes for usage directions

Fetching Sequences

  • See oriC/fetch_genome.py for fetching entire genomic sequence of
    an organism

  • See oriC/fetch_oric.py for fetching only oric sequence of an organism

In either case the sequence data is stored in data/ directory.

The OriC Computational Problem

INPUT : A DNA string (genome)
OUTPUT: Location of oriC in it

Why is it important to know oriC ?

  • To understand cell replication.
  • To create biomedical therapies like viral vectors
  • ...

E. coli replication

Bacterial Genome

Model organism Vibrio cholerae with known oriC sequence.

How does replication initiate?
Initiation of replication begins with DnaA, a protein that binds to
a short segemento of the oriC known as the Dna Box

The DnaA Box tells the DnaA to essentially bind there.

The key question then is to ask:

How to find this DnaA Box without knowing what it looks like?


