
A collection of libraries, and open-source projects lead by Filipino authors/maintainers.

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Pinoy Made 🇵🇭

A collection of libraries, and open-source projects made by Filipino authors/maintainers. The goal of this list is to highlight awesome pinoy-made projects.

Before you jump in:

  1. Read the contributing guide.

Table of contents

Vue Stripe

Stripe Checkout & Elements for Vue.js

Paymongo Node.js

A lighweight Node.js client for Paymongo API. As seen on Paymongo's community-made libraries. ❤️

Vue HTML To Paper

Vue mixin for paper printing html elements.

Vue HTML 2 Canvas

Vue mixin for Html2Canvas

Vue Wysiwyg

A simple wysiwyg editor for Vue.j

Vue Jitsi Meet

Vue component for Jitsi Meet Web Integration via IFrame.

Vue Breathing Colors

Vue Breathing Colors is a vue directive used to change background color of any component in a "breathing like" manner.

Vue Morphling

A collection of standard and custom VueJs filters and directives. It's MORPHLING time! *plays power ranger theme song. pun intented 😂

Vue Croppie

VueCroppie is a Vue 2 wrapper for Croppie a beautiful photo cropping tool for Javascript by foliotek.

Vue Animate CSS

The easiest to implement Vue directive for Animate.css

Vue Image Fallback

Vue image placeholder directive for broken images.

Vim Makery

Do you know about Vim's own :make system? It's great! You can set makeprg to any executable program, so you can use :make not just to run make with a Makefile, but also to run linters, build scripts, task runners, etc.

Maya Js

A simple Node.js framework for creating fast and scalable server-side applications.

V Dashboard

Dashboard starter template built with Vite, Vue 3, Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.


3D visualization of latest data regarding coronavirus cases with time travel.

Sublime Semantic Highlighter

🌈 Highlights similar variables on focus

It underlines variables with the same string (for now). Sublime does this by double-clicking a word but why do two if you can do one!

Puzzy Search

Add google-like search and auto suggest (did you mean...)

Trin DB

A fast RESTful persistent or in memory NoSQL database (18 KiB only!)


Prints a specific area/element of your html page for any frontend framework


A low-level SCSS library for building and managing token-driven design systems.


The first web frontend framework for building reactive static user interfaces on the web using Python.


A simple yet modular web framework built for the V programming language.

V Language Server (VLS)

A language server providing IDE-like features such autocompletion, formatting, and etc. for the V programming language.


A Jest transformer using esbuild