Endpoint URL: https://readme-jokes.vercel.app/api
Embed one of these in your README:
<!-- Markdown -->

<!-- HTML -->
<img src="https://readme-jokes.vercel.app/api" alt="Jokes Card" />
→ Background ColorborderColor
→ Border ColorqColor
→ Question ColoraColor
→ Answer ColortextColor
→ Normal text ColorcodeColor
→ Code ColorhideBorder
→ Mention as a value-less parameter to hide bodertheme
→ Theme (Must be one of the following)
Click to see all available themes.
Note: Use URL-encoded #
for color values i.e. %23
eg: #FFF
will be %23FFF
Note: You can also use the URL parameters to customize the themes.
URL eg: https://readme-jokes.vercel.app/api?bgColor=%23073b4c&textColor=%2306d6a0&aColor=%2306d6a0&borderColor=%2306d6a0
- Not Mobile responsive. #3
- Fork this repository.
- Deploy on your own Vercel instance.
- See issues that need help.
- Open a PR, if you solve something.
- Got some idea? Just open an issue.
- Jokes API has been generated from wesbos/dad-jokes
- Project is inspired by anuraghazra/github-readme-stats
Feel free to ask any questions, open a PR if you feel something can be done differently!
Created by Abhinav Sharma & Community | Deployed on Vercel