Librarian @ Northwestern University. I build journals and bring supercomputers to the humanities.
Northwestern UniversityChicago
aerithnetzer's Following
- adamfortunaHardcover
- aerat-org
- apptainer
- bashbunni~
- bmquinnNorthwestern University Library
- code4lib
- community
- danielledeleoNGINX DocOps @ F5
- dlynch7
- element-hqMatrix
- ethanholbrookIndiana
- folkeGhent, Belgium
- geerlingguyMidwestern Mac, LLC
- ianyh@PreVeil
- jalvesaqFortaleza, Brazil
- jmsheaUniversity of Florida
- katrinleinweber@gitlabhq
- kittykatElement
- nathanlesage@Zettlr
- nulib-ds
- openjournals
- ourresearch
- periodicpointFraunhofer-Gesellschaft
- pmiam
- quarto-journals
- r-vieiraNorthwestern University
- samvera
- sbinetCNRS/IN2P3
- skwee357Israel
- socrata-platformSeattle, WA
- space-wizards
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- tpopeBrooklyn, NY
- vlagrassa@northwestern-mti
- vlsrobinson