The main documentation for the wifi_ddwrt package is the wifi_ddwrt page on the ROS wiki.
For Hydro use:
git clone -b hydro-devel
For Indigo and newer versions of ROS, use the hydro-devel branch:
git clone -b indigo-devel
For Groovy and older version of ROS, use the master branch:
git clone -b master
The main modifications where made to the file making it compatible with more devices and change the way information is published using diagnostic messages instead of PR2 messages.
The other nodes are untouch in terms of functionality. The only thing that was done was a small fix removing a warning related to the Publishers under Indigo
- Edit the config.yaml inside the config folder with your router (AP) info
- Then execute the following command: roslaunch wifi_ddwrt wifi_ddwrt.launch
Full Name: /Other/wifi_ddwrt: wifi_ap
Component: wifi_ddwrt: wifi_ap
Hardware ID: RouterXPTO
Level: OK
Message: AP AGV_24 [] working OK
essid: XPTO_24
channel: 5
rate: 288.9 Mb/s
tx_power: 20 dBm
ath1: [{'macaddr': 'AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA', 'signal': -76, 'nt_devices': {'bytes': '98906417', 'frame': '0', 'drop': '0', 'packets': '228663', 'fifo': '0', 'multicast': '0', 'colls': '0', 'compressed': '0', 'carrier': '0', 'errs': '0'}, 'noise': -98, 'snr': 22, 'quality': 48}, {'macaddr': 'BB:BB:BB:BB:BB:BB', 'signal': -78, 'nt_devices': {'bytes': '98908498', 'frame': '0', 'drop': '0', 'packets': '228675', 'fifo': '0', 'multicast': '0', 'colls': '0', 'compressed': '0', 'carrier': '0', 'errs': '0'}, 'noise': -98, 'snr': 20, 'quality': 44}]
ath2: [{'macaddr': 'AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA', 'signal': -76, 'nt_devices': {'bytes': '98906697', 'frame': '0', 'drop': '0', 'packets': '228663', 'fifo': '0', 'multicast': '0', 'colls': '0', 'compressed': '0', 'carrier': '0', 'errs': '0'}, 'noise': -96, 'snr': 23, 'quality': 48}, {'macaddr': 'BB:BB:BB:BB:BB:BB', 'signal': -78, 'nt_devices': {'bytes': '98908498', 'frame': '0', 'drop': '0', 'packets': '223075', 'fifo': '0', 'multicast': '0', 'colls': '0', 'compressed': '0', 'carrier': '0', 'errs': '0'}, 'noise': -96, 'snr': 20, 'quality': 43}]