
Raytracer Output

This is a Rust implementation of Raytracing in One Weekend.

There is both a web app and a CLI within this repo. Both are multithreaded, and the web app uses SharedArrayBuffer and wasm_thread for threading.


Run the CLI in release mode to make it much faster.

cargo run --release

Web App

The web app is made of two parts: raylib-web, a lightweight wrapper library around the core raytracer in raylib, and raytracer-web a React-based web app.

Build raylib-web with:

cd raylib-web

Building raytracer-web

You need to serve the web app over HTTPS for SharedArrayBuffer to work. Create and install a certificate for localhost with:

brew install mkcert
cd raytracer-web
mkdir -p .cert && mkcert -key-file ./.cert/key.pem -cert-file ./.cert/cert.pem 'localhost'

Next, start Vite:

# from within raytracer-web
npm install
npm run dev