- First Week
- I/O classes in Java - Stream -> InputStream, OutputStream
- Readers & Writers - FileReader, FileWriter
- Serialization & Deserialization - Serializable Interface
- Collections
- HashMap, List, ArrayList (List, Map, Set)
- List Interface, Set Interface, Map Interface
- Generics - Generic Object - List students;
- Inner Classes
- Java Beans
- Second Week
- Tomcat Server,
- Servlet, Applet
- JSP (Java Server Pages)
- ServletContext
- Http & Status Codes
- Thread Safety with Collections - Hashtable - Vector
- Synchronized thread -- synchronized(lock){}
- Connection Pooling -- Limit the connections
- Static Dynamic Includes
- Cookies & Session & Authentication
- Meta Interface - Functional Interface
- Filter Login
Third Week
- Error Logging Program
- Custom Annotation Program
- Spring Into
Fourth Week
- Spring Intro
- Spring Boot
- Maven Arch.
- Spring Projects
- ORM yapısı
- JPA, ORM Standartı
- Hibernate
- Spring Annotations
- Spring Beans - Component, Service, Autowired, Qualifier Annotations
- Autowired Types - Type, Constructor, Setter
- Spring Bean Scopes
- Spring Web MVC
- Dispatcher Servlet
- Spring REST content adding app
- JPA annotations
- Movie Tracker Project
- Request Body--> JSON
- Request Param --> Query Param
- String username --> Form field
- Path Variable --> Dynamic value in the URL
- Fifth Week
- Introduction to React
- State Management
- Props, SetState, Component Definition
- Custom Form components
- Event Handling with React
- Working on UI for Movie Tracker project
- Creating front-end with React.
- Adding routes with React Router
- Finishing full-stack project