The Pair App is employed by the Agency of Learning for team management and communication.
- 0
Update Ruby
#374 opened by afogel - 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0][Admin] Ability to view the notes of each stage for an applicant
#429 opened by toyhammered - 4
Consistent Time Zone On Pair Request
#420 opened by Natblow - 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0] Setup Routes for Mentee Application States view
#442 opened by JoshDevHub - 0
- 0
- 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0] Extract `new` and `create` actions from current `MenteeApplicationStates` controller
#440 opened by JoshDevHub - 0
When no active cohort exists, provide information about this on sign up form
#427 opened by JoshDevHub - 1
- 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0][Admin] Ability to see applicants application submitted
#431 opened by toyhammered - 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0][Client] Ability to see their own application and make edits if needed
#430 opened by toyhammered - 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0][Admin] Move the Cohorts (index/show) pages under admin namespace
#416 opened by toyhammered - 0
- 0
Creating a new standup throws unhandled exception
#419 opened by dpaola2 - 0
- 0
[Standup Updates] Participation Levels
#423 opened by GALTdea - 0
[Standup Updates] Avatars
#422 opened by GALTdea - 0
[Standup Updates] Notifications
#421 opened by GALTdea - 0
[Standup Updates] Stand-up Rich Text
#405 opened by GALTdea - 1
[UserMenteeApplication] Validate presence of protocol for application URLs
#378 opened by toyhammered - 10
Add empty state to tables on pair request#index
#334 opened by afogel - 0
- 0
- 0
[UserMenteeApplication-2.0] Epic
#410 opened by toyhammered - 0
[Standup Updates] Epic
#409 opened by toyhammered - 4
- 2
[UserMenteeApplication] The show page (when clicking in) should include som user details
#385 opened by toyhammered - 0
[UserMenteeApplication] Cohorts Application page should be ordered by UpdatedAt
#383 opened by toyhammered - 0
- 0
[UserMenteeApplication] Application Reviewers should see notes for an application on the application show page
#389 opened by JoshDevHub - 0
[UserMenteeApplication] Remove dedicated interface for withdrawing applications
#396 opened by JoshDevHub - 0
[MenteeApplicationState] Add Withdrawn state
#390 opened by toyhammered - 1
[UserMenteeApplication] When actioning applications from an individual application, redirect to the full list instead of application show
#376 opened by JoshDevHub - 1
- 2
[UserMenteeApplication] on Show page, admin should have back button the list of applications for cohort
#381 opened by toyhammered - 1
[UserMenteeApplicationCohort] Last Action date
#343 opened by toyhammered - 4
- 1
[UserProfile] resume button not working properly.
#366 opened by toyhammered - 0
[UserMenteeApplication] Invesetigate UserMenteeApplicationMailer and MenteeApplicationMailer
#350 opened by toyhammered - 2
- 1
- 0
[UserProfile] Images are blurry
#363 opened by toyhammered - 1
- 0
- 0
[UserMenteeApplication] UI to create new cohorts
#338 opened by afogel - 0
Cleanup (and Polish) the new Homepage.
#355 opened by toyhammered - 1
[UserMenteeApplication] BCC for all emails during application process flow
#342 opened by toyhammered - 1
[UserMenteeApplication] FROM email should be Dave's email not noreply for this process
#345 opened by toyhammered - 0
- 0
Accessiblity Audit
#346 opened by afogel