Installation of Garmin Tools Connect IQ SDK and Eclipse IDE plugins as a Docker container.
Docker image is available through docker hub as kalemena/connectiq
$ make pull or $ make build or $ make console
Command lines, make console, or make eclipse will map current folder into /workspace of the container instance. |
$ make eclipse
In Eclipse, Menu File ⇒ New ⇒ Project ⇒ Connect IQ Project
Make sure to create project under /workspace/…​ hierarchy
Then select Widget and Next
Then for example, Vivoactive 3 as target
Then for example, Sensor or Sensor History as features
Once project is loaded, you can run like previous example to see the monkey default app display
On Ubuntu OS
Connect the watch using original cable
Wait for about 30s
Watch screen should show it is mounted and charging
In File explorer, see GARMIN device and browse to GARMIN/APPS
Copy PRG file built into this folder
Unmount GARMIN icon on watch
Watch should be showing Verifying Connect IQ Apps
Swipe up or down, the app should be visible