
This Python PyQt5 GUI detects pigeons using CNNs and a "You Only Look Once" YOLOv5 model. From a Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, a live video feed is displayed on the GUI with object outlines. When connected to the iRobot, the user can draw a path for a robot to follow and command it to autonomously return to its charging port.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

iRobot Create2 GUI with Live Video Object Detection using CNNs, YOLOv5

A GUI for controlling the iRobot Create 2 Robot coded in Python with PyQt5. Once the robot establishes a connection with the GUI via a mini-DIN to USB cable, the robot moves with WASD controls. The robot can follow a drawn path on the GUI and return to its dock to recharge with a button press.

The GUI shows the robot's battery level and wirelessly displays live video from a Raspberry Pi's Camera Module V2.

In real time, the robot analyzes the video feed for objects using YOLOv5. Specifically, the robot detects pigeons with a 0.9 confidence level, but any YOLOv5 trained model's weights can be swapped out in the YOLOv5 folder to detect other objects.

Robot Implementation

  • Run main.py to launch the GUI.
  • Click the upper left dropdown to establish a connection with the robot (at the correct USB port). Battery should automatically update.
  • Switch the iRobot between "Passive" and "Safe" (able to be programmable) modes using the other menu buttons. WASD controls and path-drawing controls activate in Safe mode.
  • Click "return to base" to send the robot back to its charging station.

Object Detection and Live Camera Feed

  • Ensure that the Raspberry Pi and computer running the GUI are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Add the IP address to both client.py and in WorkerThreads.py files.
  • Download the client.py file to your Raspberry Pi to establish a socket connection.
  • Run the GUI. Live video should display. Click "Capture Image" to freeze at a particular image.
  • Uncomment the torch model code if you would like to have object detection run simulataneously. Warning for slower video feed.

Created with funding from the TJHSST Computer Systems Research Lab.