Clone the repo, cd into the directory, and type npm install
. After that, you
can start a local server by typing npm start
Currently, this app is deployed to
That server is currently hosted by the EECS department, and is running Ubuntu
12.04 LTS. It is running Nginx 1.1.19, Node 8.9.4, and NPM 5.6.0. The service
is handled by an Upstart job, located in /etc/init/react-ieee.conf
HOPE should put their html files in /home/hope/public_html/hope/
, making sure
that directory is accessible by nginx. Those files will be served at the above
(As of 1/21/18)
- ssh into
ssh <username>
cd /srv/react-ieee
sudo su deployer
git fetch
git merge --ff <branch>
(optional)git checkout <branch>
As a sudoer:
sudo initctl stop react-ieee
sudo initctl start react-ieee
- check to make sure it worked
- logs in
sudo cat /var/log/upstart/react-ieee
- logs in
updated 9/5/18:
sudo systemctl stop react-ieee
sudo systemctl start react-ieee
- check to make sure it worked
systemctl status react-ieee
- logs in
and `/var/log/nginx/error.log